Fire and Ice

By Smart Coach
Part of 3) Manipulative - Lesson 5 - Catching (Big Ball)

About this activity

Author: Smart Coach
Views: 156
Phase: Activities

Space out a square of cones for players to run around in, appropriate to class size. 

Pick 2-3 taggers (dependant on class size), they have a pool noodle each (or tagging object). This is their "icicle". 

Also pick 2-3 melters (dependant on class size), they have a ball each. This is their "fire ball".


Other players who don't have a job are trying to run away from the taggers. If tagged by the icicles, they become frozen and can't move from where they were tagged. 

To be freed, they must catch a ball from the melters. Once successfully caught, they are now the melters, running around in the boundry waiting for someone to be tagged so they can throw the ball to them. (Melters can not be tagged at any point). 

Once a melter has thrown their ball to someone to free them (and it is caught), they become a normal runner, trying to escape the icicles. 

Change over icicle players after a short time has passed. Look out for players who are consistently been thrown a ball to become a melter, and choose others to start each round. 


- Ensure the ball is being thrown and caught successfully. If dropped, the melter must throw the ball again. 

- Can use different sized balls/objects for ease. (dodgeballs, tennis balls, beanbags etc). 

- Choose taggers/melter numbers depending on class size and ability. If it is deemed too hard for melters to free the frozen players, add an extra melter in next round (or take away a tagger).

- Having red/pink/yellow balls and blue/white tagging objects helps children remember their role. (fire & ice colours).

Filters: Early childhood, Education, Sports,