Cones, spots and hoops are placed around inside a given area marked out by tall cones. On each spot place a beanbag, on each cone place a tennis ball and in each hoop place a big ball. Incorporate the colours of a traffic light system so students work to differing speeds. When the whistle is blown students must stop and find a ball/beanbag, throw it up above their head, and catch it 5 times, before placing the item back as they found it. Once done so the coach will call out another colour of the traffic light. Green = run, Yellow = walk, Red/whistle = stop.
- Students must select only one item and not take other students throwing item
- Can introduce new road rules;
Speed bump - jump over a throwing item/or in and out of a hula hoop
Round about - drive round an object
Reverse - move backward
Park - students race to a tall cone round the outside of the playing area and sit down. This can be turned into a competition - boys vs girls to see who can park their car the quickest. A point will be awarded to the team that does this.
Use music while the kids are running and then stop it instead of blowing a whistle, similar to musical chairs. Make the area larger or smaller to give more or less space to throw. Increase or decrease the number of catches the children have to complete to alter the flow of the game. Add in other items that can be thrown such as balloons, soft toys etc to change difficulty.