Locomotor (Walking & Running) - Fast Cars

By Smart Coach
Part of 2) Locomotor - Lesson 1 - Walking/Running

About this activity

Author: Smart Coach
Views: 147
Phase: Activities

Students will move around like cars in the defined area. They will listen and then perform the coaches calls of things a car might do; Red light/whistle (stop), Green light (fast/run), Orange light (walk/slow), Reverse (drive backwards), Park Car (sit down near a cone or on a line), Round About (students will drive their car around small/big circles), Speed Bump (students will jump 3 times).


Once students have understood how the game works, introduce a competition between boys and girls. Award a point to either the boys or girls for whoever stops the quickest on a red light or when students have to park their car. 


Add in your own instructions of something a car could do e.g. Cross the Bridge

Filters: Early childhood, Education, Sports,