2) Locomotor - Lesson 1 - Walking/Running

By Smart Coach
Part of Smart Coach - Year 0-2 Programme
To develop key walking and running skills that can translate into other areas.


What kind of things did we walk/run like? What was your favourite game today?
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Warm Up

Locomotor (Walking & Running) - Who can walk like?

Children must move around inside a designated area. The coach will give the children an instruction of something to walk like and they must do their best to follow the instruction. e.g. "Who can walk like a monkey?".


Ask the children for ideas of things to walk like.

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Locomotor (Walking & Running) - Fast Cars

Students will move around like cars in the defined area. They will listen and then perform the coaches calls of things a car might do; Red light/whistle (stop), Green light (fast/run), Orange light (walk/slow), Reverse (drive backwards), Park Car (sit down near a cone or on a line), Round About (students will drive their car around small/big circles), Speed Bump (students will jump 3 times).


Once students have understood how the game works, introduce a competition between boys and girls. Award a point to either the boys or girls for whoever stops the quickest on a red light or when students have to park their car. 


Add in your own instructions of something a car could do e.g. Cross the Bridge

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Locomotor (Walking & Running) - Rats and Rabbits

Children will stand in two lines roughly one metre apart and will have a partner who is directly across from them in the opposite line. One line is labeled the "rats" and the other is the "rabbits". If the coach says "rabbits" then the rabbits must run away from the rats towards a designated line, and if they reach the line before being tagged then a point is awarded. If the rats tag their partner before they reach the line, then a point is given to the rat.


Children can start in different ways e.g. sitting down.

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Filters: Early childhood, Education, Sports,