The aim of the game is for children to aim & throw their beanbags at the swissball to try get it over the other teams line. If they get the swissball over the other teams line they get a point.
Set up two lines of cones 5-ish meters apart (use court lines if easier), children stand along the line facing each other with the swissball in the middle.
Children will need one beanbag each- if not enough beanbags use soft shotput balls.
Coach will say go and kids will all throw their beanbag or shotput at the swissball trying to hit it over to the other teams line. Once all kids have thrown, wait for the whistle to go retrieve your beanbag/shotput. If the ball does not go over any line, no team scores and they try again.
Kids can throw their equipment first couple of rounds, in last couple rounds encourage them to push the ball (like in shotput)