
By Adam Taylor

About this activity

Author: Adam Taylor
Views: 15

In this section, we will engage in a fun and interactive game to apply the skills we have learned and reinforce teamwork and communication. Games provide a great opportunity to practice new skills in a dynamic and engaging way.

Remember to focus on good sportsmanship and teamwork during the game. Encourage each other, communicate effectively, and have fun while competing. This is a chance to showcase your abilities and work together towards a common goal.

Student Worksheet

Introduction: In coaching, having a defined philosophy is crucial for creating a successful team culture. Your coaching philosophy serves as the foundation for your decisions and actions as a coach. It reflects your values, beliefs, and goals in coaching.

Overview: Below are examples to help you define your coaching philosophy. Consider each scenario and think about how you would approach it as a coach. Write down your thoughts and ideas for each example.

  • Example 1: Your team is losing a game by a significant margin. How do you motivate and encourage your players to keep their spirits high?
  • Example 2: One of your star players is displaying a negative attitude towards their teammates. How do you address this behavior while maintaining team morale?
  • Example 3: A player on your team is struggling with personal issues that are affecting their performance. How do you support and help this player both on and off the field?
  • Example 4: Your team is facing a strong opponent in an upcoming match. How do you prepare your players mentally and physically for the challenge ahead?
  • Example 5: A key player is injured and will be unable to compete for the rest of the season. How do you adjust your team's strategy and maintain team cohesion in light of this setback?
  • Real-World Problem 1: You have two players vying for the same position on the team, both equally talented. How do you handle the selection process fairly and ensure that both players feel valued?
  • Real-World Problem 2: Your team has been on a losing streak, and morale is low. How do you instill confidence and motivation in your players to turn the season around?


  1. Answers will vary based on personal coaching philosophy.
  2. Answers will vary based on personal coaching philosophy.
  3. Answers will vary based on personal coaching philosophy.
  4. Answers will vary based on personal coaching philosophy.
  5. Answers will vary based on personal coaching philosophy.
  6. Answers will vary based on personal coaching philosophy.
  7. Answers will vary based on personal coaching philosophy.
  1. Problem: Your team is facing a losing streak and morale is low. How do you approach the situation to boost the team's confidence and motivation?
    Answer: Schedule a team meeting to address the challenges openly, set new achievable goals, and focus on areas where the team can improve.
  2. Problem: One of your star players is consistently late to practice. How do you handle this situation while maintaining a positive team culture?
    Answer: Have a private conversation with the player to discuss the impact of their behavior on the team, set clear expectations, and provide support if needed.
  3. Problem: Your team is struggling with communication on the field, leading to misunderstandings and missed opportunities. What strategies can you implement to improve communication among players?
    Answer: Conduct communication drills during practice, encourage active listening, and establish clear signals or cues for different situations.
  4. Problem: A parent of one of your players is constantly criticizing your coaching decisions and creating tension within the team. How do you address this issue professionally?
    Answer: Schedule a meeting with the parent to discuss their concerns, listen actively, and communicate the importance of supporting the team as a whole.
  5. Problem: Your team is facing a rival with a reputation for aggressive play. How do you prepare your players mentally and physically for this challenging game?
    Answer: Focus on strategies to maintain composure under pressure, practice specific game scenarios, and emphasize the importance of playing with discipline.
  6. Problem: Your team has qualified for the championship game, but some players are feeling overwhelmed by the pressure to perform. How can you help them manage pre-game nerves and stay focused on the task at hand?
    Answer: Implement relaxation techniques such as deep breathing exercises, visualize successful outcomes, and remind players to focus on the process rather than the outcome.
  7. Problem: A key player is injured right before a crucial game. How do you adjust your game plan and motivate the team to step up in their absence?
    Answer: Reassess team strengths and weaknesses, adjust tactics to accommodate the missing player, and inspire the team to play for their injured teammate.
  8. Problem: Your team has been accused of unsportsmanlike conduct during a game. How do you address these allegations and uphold the values of fair play and respect?
    Answer: Investigate the incident thoroughly, hold players accountable for their actions, and reinforce the importance of sportsmanship through team discussions and actions.
  9. Problem: Your team is struggling to stay disciplined during games, leading to frequent penalties and missed opportunities. What strategies can you implement to improve player focus and decision-making on the field?
    Answer: Establish clear consequences for undisciplined behavior, emphasize the importance of mental toughness, and provide feedback on areas for improvement.
  10. Problem: Your team has a diverse group of players with different skill levels and backgrounds. How do you create a cohesive team culture that celebrates diversity and promotes inclusivity?
    Answer: Organize team-building activities that foster trust and respect among players, provide opportunities for individual growth and contribution, and emphasize the value of teamwork in achieving common goals.
  1. Start by reflecting on your core values and beliefs about coaching. Consider what principles are most important to you in guiding your interactions with your team.
  2. Identify the key elements that you want to prioritize in your coaching philosophy. This may include areas such as communication, discipline, teamwork, and player development.
  3. Think about the type of culture you want to create within your team. Consider the values and behaviors that you want to promote among your players and coaching staff.
  4. Write down your coaching philosophy in a clear and concise manner. Use language that resonates with you and accurately reflects your coaching style and goals.
  5. Share your coaching philosophy with your team and coaching staff. Encourage open dialogue and feedback to ensure alignment and understanding among all team members.
  6. Regularly revisit and revise your coaching philosophy as needed. As you gain more experience and insights, your philosophy may evolve, and it's important to keep it relevant and reflective of your coaching journey.
  • Coaching Philosophy Charades
    1. Divide students into two teams.
    2. Each team writes down different coaching philosophies on separate cards or papers.
    3. One player from the first team picks a card and acts out the coaching philosophy without speaking while their team guesses.
    4. If the team guesses correctly within a time limit, they earn a point.
    5. Take turns until all the coaching philosophies have been acted out.
    Objective: To familiarize students with various coaching philosophies in a fun and interactive way.
  • Culture Building Bingo
    1. Create bingo cards with different elements related to building a positive team culture (e.g., teamwork, communication, respect).
    2. Distribute the cards to students.
    3. The facilitator calls out scenarios or behaviors that align with the elements on the bingo cards.
    4. Students mark off the corresponding squares on their cards.
    5. The first student to complete a row, column, or diagonal shouts "Bingo!" and wins.
    Objective: Reinforce the importance of key elements in building a great team culture.
  • Coaching Philosophy Pictionary
    1. Similar to charades, divide students into teams.
    2. Each team writes down different coaching philosophies.
    3. One player from the first team selects a philosophy and draws it on a whiteboard or paper.
    4. Their team must guess the coaching philosophy based on the drawing.
    5. Rotate players and continue until all philosophies are guessed.
    Objective: Encourage creativity and critical thinking while learning about coaching philosophies.