Role Modeling Values

By Adam Taylor

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Author: Adam Taylor
Views: 15

As a leader, it is crucial to lead by example by demonstrating the desired behaviors and values in your interactions with the team. Your actions speak louder than words, and by embodying the team values, you set the standard for others to follow.

Consistency is key in role modeling values. Ensure that your actions align with the values you have identified as important for your team. This includes how you communicate, make decisions, handle conflicts, and show respect to others.

Address any inconsistencies promptly and transparently. If you find yourself deviating from the team values, acknowledge it openly and use it as a learning opportunity for yourself and the team. This demonstrates accountability and a commitment to upholding the values you have set.


Understanding and embodying the values of your coaching staff is essential to fostering a positive team culture. Role modeling values is not just about talking the talk, but also walking the walk. In this worksheet, you will explore different scenarios where you can demonstrate value-driven leadership as a coach.


  • Example 1: You notice a player struggling with a particular skill during practice. How do you demonstrate the value of empathy in this situation?
  • Example 2: During a game, one of your players makes a critical mistake that costs the team a point. How do you exhibit the value of accountability as a coach?
  • Example 3: A new player joins the team and is feeling overwhelmed by the team dynamics. How can you show the value of inclusivity and support?
  • Example 4: Your team wins a championship, and the players are celebrating. How do you showcase the value of humility in victory?
  • Example 5: A rival coach criticizes your team publicly. How do you uphold the value of respect and professionalism in your response?

Challenging Scenarios:

  • Challenge 1: Your team is facing a losing streak, and morale is low. How do you maintain the team's motivation and positivity while staying true to your values?
  • Challenge 2: One of your star players is caught violating team rules. How do you balance the value of fairness and discipline in addressing this issue?

Real-World Problems:

  • Problem 1: You receive an offer from a rival team with a higher salary. How do you make a decision that aligns with your coaching values?
  • Problem 2: A parent of one of your players constantly challenges your coaching decisions. How do you handle this situation while upholding your values?


Answers will vary based on individual perspectives and values.

  1. Problem: Your team values include honesty and integrity. A player on the team is caught cheating during practice. How would you address this situation as a coaching staff member while upholding these values?
    Answer: Meet with the player privately to discuss the situation, explain the consequences of cheating, and work together to find a solution that aligns with the team's values.
  2. Problem: One of your coaching staff members consistently shows up late to meetings, disregarding the value of respect for others' time. How would you address this behavior while maintaining a value-driven approach?
    Answer: Have a one-on-one conversation with the staff member to address the lateness issue, express the importance of respecting everyone's time, and collaboratively come up with strategies to ensure punctuality moving forward.
  3. Problem: A player on your team has been displaying disrespectful behavior towards teammates during games. How would you address this behavior while promoting the value of teamwork and respect?
    Answer: Address the player's behavior immediately, emphasize the importance of teamwork and respect in achieving team goals, and implement consequences if the behavior continues.
  4. Problem: Your team values include inclusivity and diversity. How would you handle a situation where a player feels excluded by their teammates based on their background or beliefs?
    Answer: Facilitate open communication among team members to address any feelings of exclusion, promote understanding of each other's differences, and reinforce the value of inclusivity and respect for all team members.
  5. Problem: One of your coaching staff members consistently criticizes players in a harsh manner, contradicting the team's value of encouragement and support. How would you address this behavior to align with the team's values?
    Answer: Provide feedback to the staff member on the impact of their approach, emphasize the importance of positive reinforcement and constructive criticism, and offer guidance on more effective communication strategies.
  6. Problem: A player on the team is struggling with personal issues that are affecting their performance on the field. How would you support the player while demonstrating empathy, a core team value?
    Answer: Approach the player with empathy, offer support and resources to help them address their personal issues, and work together to create a plan that prioritizes the player's well-being while supporting their performance on the team.
  7. Problem: A conflict arises between two players on the team, leading to tension during practices. How would you resolve the conflict while upholding the team's values of communication and collaboration?
    Answer: Facilitate a meeting between the two players to address the conflict, encourage open communication and active listening, and guide them towards finding a resolution that promotes teamwork and mutual respect.
  8. Problem: A decision needs to be made about team strategy for an upcoming game, but there are differing opinions among the coaching staff. How would you navigate this situation while honoring the team's value of collaboration and consensus-building?
    Answer: Facilitate a team meeting to discuss the differing opinions, encourage open dialogue and brainstorming of ideas, and work towards a consensus-based decision that reflects the collective input of the coaching staff.
  9. Problem: Your team values include continuous improvement and growth mindset. How would you encourage players and coaching staff to embrace challenges and learn from failures in order to embody these values?
    Answer: Foster a culture that celebrates learning opportunities and treats mistakes as valuable lessons, provide feedback and support for individuals to take on new challenges, and recognize and reward efforts towards personal and team growth.
  10. Problem: A player on the team consistently demonstrates exceptional leadership qualities and embodies the team's core values. How would you recognize and reward this player's contributions to reinforce the importance of value-driven leadership?
    Answer: Acknowledge the player's leadership qualities publicly, highlight their positive impact on the team and its values, and consider implementing a reward system or leadership role that further recognizes and leverages their strengths.
  1. Start by reflecting on your own values as a coach. Consider what principles and beliefs are most important to you in your coaching role.
  2. Facilitate a team discussion on values. Ask each member of your coaching staff to identify and share their core values. Encourage open and honest communication during this process.
  3. Collaboratively identify shared values. Look for common themes and values that resonate with the entire coaching team. This will help establish a unified set of values to guide your team.
  4. Discuss examples of how these values can be demonstrated in coaching practices. Brainstorm specific behaviors and actions that align with the identified values.
  5. Commit to role modeling these values. As a coaching staff, agree to consistently demonstrate and uphold the shared values in your interactions with each other, athletes, and other stakeholders.
  • Values Treasure Hunt

    Divide the students into teams of 4-5 members each.

    Hide cards with different values written on them in various locations around the classroom or school.

    Provide each team with a list of values they need to find and identify.

    Teams need to work together to locate the cards and discuss the importance and meaning of each value they find.

    The team that correctly identifies and explains all the values first wins the game.

  • Values Charades

    Write down different values on separate pieces of paper and place them in a hat or bowl.

    One student from each team picks a value from the hat and must act it out without using any words.

    The rest of the team members have to guess the value being portrayed through the charade.

    Each team takes turns acting out and guessing values until all values have been used.

    The team with the most correct guesses wins the game.

  • Values Relay Race

    Set up a relay race course with different stations representing various values.

    Each team member must complete a task related to a specific value at each station before passing the baton to the next team member.

    For example, at a station representing "Respect," students might have to solve a respect-related scenario before moving on.

    The team that finishes the relay race first with all values completed correctly wins the game.