Live Game Simulation

By Adam Taylor

About this activity

Author: Adam Taylor
Views: 14

Teaching Basketball Pressure to Younger Kids

Engage the students in a simulated game where they can apply the pressure defense strategy in a real-game scenario.

Student Worksheet


Welcome to the student worksheet on teaching the basketball pack line defense to younger kids. In this activity, you will practice applying the concepts of basketball pressure in live game simulation scenarios. Use your knowledge of the pack line defense to answer the following examples.


  • Example 1: In a 5v5 game situation, how would you position yourself to apply pressure on the ball handler while staying within the pack line defense?
  • Example 2: If the offensive player tries to drive towards the basket, what should be your immediate response as a defender in the pack line?
  • Example 3: How can you communicate effectively with your teammates to maintain the pack line defense and switch when necessary?
  • Example 4: Imagine a scenario where the opposing team is attempting a fast break. How would you adjust your defensive positioning to prevent an easy scoring opportunity?
  • Example 5: In a close game situation with only a few seconds left on the clock, how can the pack line defense help secure a crucial stop?
  • Real World Problem 1: You are playing against a team known for their outside shooting. How can the pack line defense adjust to counter their strength?
  • Real World Problem 2: Your team is trailing by 2 points with 10 seconds left in the game. How would you apply pressure effectively without fouling?


Answers will vary based on individual responses and understanding of the pack line defense principles. Make sure to review your answers with your coach or instructor for feedback and improvement.

  1. Problem: In a basketball game, the opponent's point guard is dribbling towards the basket. How should the defenders in the pack line defense adjust to stop the drive?
    Answer: The defenders should collapse towards the driving player to protect the basket while maintaining their positioning in the pack line.
  2. Problem: The opponent's shooting guard is positioned at the three-point line. How can the defenders in the pack line defense challenge the shot without compromising the defense?
    Answer: The defenders should close out on the shooter with high hands to contest the shot while still being able to recover to their pack line positions.
  3. Problem: The offense is running a pick and roll play. How should the defenders communicate and switch in the pack line defense to handle the screen?
    Answer: The defenders involved in the pick and roll should communicate and switch responsibilities to prevent the offensive players from exploiting the screen.
  4. Problem: The opponent is attempting to pass the ball inside to a post player. What should the defenders in the pack line defense do to deny the entry pass?
    Answer: The defenders should front the post player to deny the entry pass while the weak-side defenders provide help and support.
  5. Problem: The offense is running a fast break and has a numbers advantage. How can the defenders adjust in the pack line defense to prevent an easy scoring opportunity?
    Answer: The defenders should sprint back on defense to protect the basket and force the offense to reset instead of allowing an easy scoring opportunity.
  6. Problem: The opponent is running a motion offense with constant movement and cuts. How can the defenders in the pack line defense maintain their positioning and prevent open shots?
    Answer: The defenders should communicate and switch when necessary to stay connected to their assigned players and disrupt the offensive flow.
  7. Problem: The shot clock is winding down, and the offense is looking for a quick score. How can the defenders in the pack line defense apply pressure without fouling?
    Answer: The defenders should use active hands and quick footwork to pressure the ball handler without reaching or committing a foul in a critical situation.
  8. Problem: The offense is running a baseline out-of-bounds play. How should the defenders in the pack line defense be positioned to defend against a potential scoring play?
    Answer: The defenders should be alert and communicate to switch and cover potential scoring options, ensuring that everyone is in the right position to defend the play.
  9. Problem: The opponent is utilizing a high ball screen to create scoring opportunities. How can the defenders in the pack line defense effectively defend against the pick and roll?
    Answer: The defenders should show on the ball handler, communicate the switch, and recover quickly to disrupt the pick and roll play and prevent easy baskets.
  10. Problem: The offense is spreading the floor and looking to exploit mismatches. How can the defenders in the pack line defense adjust to handle the mismatch without compromising the defense?
    Answer: The defenders should communicate and switch when necessary to negate the mismatch advantage and maintain their pack line integrity while still challenging the shot.
  1. Explain the concept of the pack line defense to the students in simple terms, emphasizing the importance of teamwork and positioning.
  2. Divide the students into two teams and designate one team as the offense and the other as the defense.
  3. Set up a scrimmage with the offensive team trying to score on the defensive team, who will be implementing the pack line defense.
  4. Encourage the defensive team to communicate with each other, move as a unit, and focus on protecting the paint.
  5. Pause the scrimmage at key moments to provide feedback and reinforce proper positioning and rotations within the pack line defense.
  6. Rotate the teams so that each student has the opportunity to experience playing both offense and defense in the pack line system.
  7. Conclude the live game simulation with a debriefing session, allowing students to reflect on their experience and discuss what they learned about the pack line defense.
  • Game 1: Pack Line Tag


    1. Designate one player as the "tagger" and the rest as defenders.
    2. The tagger must try to tag the defenders.
    3. Defenders must stay within a designated area (the pack line) while avoiding being tagged.
    4. If a defender is tagged, they switch roles with the tagger.
    5. Encourage defenders to work together to protect the pack line.
  • Game 2: Defensive Drills Relay


    1. Divide students into teams.
    2. Set up stations with different defensive drills (e.g., closeouts, help defense).
    3. Each team must complete the drills in a relay fashion.
    4. Emphasize communication and teamwork while executing the drills.
    5. The team that completes all drills correctly and quickly wins.
  • Game 3: Pack Line Scrimmage


    1. Split the students into two teams, offense, and defense.
    2. The defense sets up in a pack line formation.
    3. The offense tries to score while the defense focuses on maintaining the pack line.
    4. Switch roles after a set time to give each team a chance to practice both offense and defense.
    5. Encourage players to apply pack line principles in a game-like setting.