Introduction to Dribbling

By adamdamiontaylor
Part of Basic Dribbling Techniques

About this activity

Author: adamdamiontaylor
Views: 16

In this part of the lesson, the focus is on demonstrating proper hand positioning and control while dribbling the basketball with the dominant hand. Emphasize the importance of keeping eyes up and staying low to maintain control and awareness on the court.

Student Worksheet

Introduction to Dribbling

Welcome to the Basic Dribbling Techniques lesson! Dribbling is an essential skill in basketball that allows players to move the ball down the court while maintaining control. In this worksheet, you will practice different dribbling techniques to improve your skills.


  • Dribble the ball with your dominant hand while walking around the court.
  • Practice crossover dribbling by switching the ball between your right and left hands while moving forward.
  • Try behind-the-back dribbling by passing the ball from one hand to the other behind your back without losing control.
  • Challenge yourself with between-the-legs dribbling by alternating the ball between your legs while moving in a zigzag pattern.
  • Apply your dribbling skills in a game-like scenario: dribble around cones or defenders to reach the basket for a layup.

Real-World Problems:

  • You are playing in a basketball game, and the defender is guarding you closely. How can you use your dribbling skills to create space and drive towards the basket?
  • Your team is down by one point with only 10 seconds left on the clock. How can you effectively use dribbling techniques to set up a game-winning shot?


Answers will vary depending on the student's approach and creativity in applying the dribbling techniques.

```html Basic Dribbling Techniques - Example Problems

Introduction to Dribbling - Example Problems

  1. Problem: How many times should you bounce the ball when dribbling down the court?
    Answer: Players should aim to dribble the ball once for every step they take to maintain control and speed.
  2. Problem: What is the proper hand position when dribbling?
    Answer: The hand should be on top of the ball, fingers spread for control, and the wrist bent slightly to cushion the dribble.
  3. Problem: Why is it important to keep your head up while dribbling?
    Answer: Keeping your head up allows you to see the court, anticipate defenders, and make better passing or shooting decisions.
  4. Problem: How can you change your dribble speed to throw off a defender?
    Answer: Varying your dribble speed, using hesitation moves or crossovers, can help you create space and get past defenders.
  5. Problem: When should you use your non-dominant hand for dribbling?
    Answer: Practicing with both hands is crucial, but using your non-dominant hand can help you become a more versatile player and protect the ball better from defenders.
  6. Problem: What is the "pound dribble" and when is it useful?
    Answer: The pound dribble is a forceful dribble used to create space or protect the ball. It is useful in crowded situations or when trying to push past a defender.
  7. Problem: How can you improve your dribbling skills off the court?
    Answer: Practicing dribbling drills at home, using cones or markers to simulate defenders, can help improve ball handling and control.
  8. Problem: What is the purpose of using dribbling moves like crossovers or behind-the-back dribbles?
    Answer: Dribbling moves can help you create opportunities to drive to the hoop, confuse defenders, and make plays for your teammates.
  9. Problem: How can you protect the ball while dribbling in traffic?
    Answer: Keeping your body between the ball and defenders, using your off-arm as a shield, and staying low to the ground can help protect the ball in traffic.
  10. Problem: Why is it important to practice dribbling with both hands?
    Answer: Being able to dribble effectively with both hands makes you a more unpredictable and skilled player, allowing you to maneuver past defenders more easily.
  1. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and knees slightly bent to get into a ready position.
  2. Choose your dominant hand to start dribbling the basketball.
  3. Place the basketball in your dominant hand, keeping your other hand ready to protect the ball.
  4. Start dribbling the ball by pushing it down towards the floor with your fingertips, not your palm.
  5. Control the height of your dribble - it should be between your knee and hip level.
  6. Use your wrist to control the ball and keep it bouncing at a consistent pace.
  7. Practice dribbling while moving forward, backward, and side to side to improve your control.
  8. Switch to your non-dominant hand and practice dribbling with that hand as well.
  9. Challenge yourself by incorporating crossovers, between the legs dribbles, and behind the back dribbles into your practice.
  10. Remember to keep your head up and look ahead while dribbling to be aware of your surroundings.
  • Game 1: Dribble Tag
    1. Designate one player as "It" to start the game.
    2. All other players must dribble their basketballs around the designated area.
    3. The player who is "It" tries to tag other players while they dribble.
    4. If a player is tagged, they become the new "It".
    5. Encourage players to use different dribbling techniques to avoid being tagged.
  • Game 2: Dribble Relay Race
    1. Divide students into teams and set up a course with cones or markers.
    2. Each team member takes turns dribbling through the course and back to tag the next player.
    3. The team that completes the relay race first wins.
    4. Encourage players to use proper dribbling techniques while racing.
  • Game 3: Dribble Simon Says
    1. Assign a leader to be "Simon" and the other players are the followers.
    2. "Simon" gives dribbling commands like "Dribble fast", "Dribble slow", "Dribble with your left hand", etc.
    3. Players must follow the commands quickly and accurately.
    4. If a player makes a mistake, they are out of the game.
    5. The last player standing becomes the new "Simon".