Begin by having the students stand in two lines, facing each other. Explain that they will be practicing their serves, with each student taking turns to serve and receive. Demonstrate the correct technique for a basic serve, with the students following along. Then, have the students practice the serve in pairs. Make sure to remind them of the correct technique and offer feedback and corrections as needed.
Once the students have gotten the hang of the serve, move on to the other types of serves. Demonstrate the float serve, the top spin serve, and the jump serve and have the students practice each in pairs. Provide feedback and corrections as needed.
Finally, have the students practice serving in a game simulation. Split the class into two teams and have them practice serving to each other, with the team who serves the ball receiving a point for each successful serve. This will allow the students to practice their serves in a realistic setting.
At the end of the practice session, remind the students of the correct technique for each serve and provide any additional feedback.