Set up a playing area 30 metres length and 20 metres width.
Stundents will be passing the ball as many times as they can with their partners inside the playing area. Encourage students to try using different parts of their foot to pass to see which way they have the most control with and to step into their pass, person receiving the ball will have a soft touch to make the ball out in front of him/her to pass the ball back. 1 point for every completed pass, the pair with the most points at the end of 3-5 minutes wins.
Step 2: Students will combine passing and dribbling. Once a pair has completed 5 passes the person with the ball must dribble away from their partner for 5 seconds, the person without the ball must also run away from their partner for 5 seconds, at the end of the 5 seconds the pair will look up and find each other, moving back towards each other to start the 5 passes again. students will repeat this for 5 minutes (when students are moving/dribbling incourage them to keep their head up and the person dribbling to keep close control of their ball so they avoid crashing into other players).
Step 3: This time rather than completing 5 passes the pair will only make 1 pass before dribbling/running away from thier partner. Person recieving the ball must move the ball with their first touch out from their bodiy before dribbling away from thier partner for 5 seconds, after the 5 seconds they will find their partner and dribble over to them to complete a pass. This teaches students to play on the move.
Add/less touches on the ball before passing, After completing the passes students can find a new partner.
Add touches on the ball before passing