Children receive a hula hoop each. Children must find a space and explore which body parts they can use to spin the hula hoop on.
Challenge some children by asking them to travel whilst they spin the hoop.
In pairs ask children to try and roll the hoop along the floor to each other gradually increasing the gap each time.
Can children roll the hoop then crouch down and run through the hoop whilst the hoop is still travelling without knocking the hula hoop over. Try rolling or throwing a ball through the hoop whilst the hoop is travelling.
Split children into groups of six. Children form a circle holding o hula hoop in between each child. Ask one child from the circle to tuck a bib into the back of their shorts to act as a tail. One child stays outside the circle and must try to grab the tail from their shorts. Children in the circle must try to work together by spinning the circle keeping the child with the tail away from the catching child.
Encourage the catching child to use changes of direction and speed to catch the tail.
If anyone lets go of the hula hoop then the game finishes. Continue to change the catcher on the outside of the circle.
Add a cone to the middle. Children must keep this cone in the middle of their circle when rotating round. If the circle moves away from the cone then the game has finished and the tail has been caught.
more/less people
Work with a partner