Rugby - Hoop to Hoop

By Smart Coach
Part of Year 3-8 - Lesson 1 - Movement and Passing

About this activity

Author: Smart Coach
Views: 136
Phase: Activities

Place 8 hoops (of 4 different colours) in a circle large enough for the class to move around in. In each hoop place 3-4 rugby balls. For the first round players work individually to pick up a ball from a hoop and transfer it to the other matching colour hoop. If a player picks up a ball from a yellow hoop, they must run with the ball in two hands and score a try in the other yellow hoop. When they score this try they can award themself with 1 point. Time the activity and at the end the player who scored the most amount of tries is the winner. 

For the second round of hoop to hoop get the players to pair up. This time one player will pick up the ball and the pair must complete three rugby passes before they reach the matching colour hoop. Passes can be in any direction and players are able to run with the ball. When completing the passes it's important that the pair are standing side by side and the ball starts from their outside hip. Again, time this actitivty and the pair with the most amount of tries are the winner. 

For the third round of hoop to hoop you can add in two defenders (which could be the winners of round 2). These defenders are now able to both intercept the ball, or tag the player if they have a ball in their hand. If the ball gets intercepted or the player gets tagged, they must return that ball to the hoop they picked it up from and must get another one from another hoop. The pair that scores the most amount of tries will be the winner. 


Move the hoops closer or further depending on class size or ability. Change the number of passes that the pairs need to complete. Increase or decrease the number of defenders.

Filters: Rugby, Sports,