Hickory Dickory Dash - P11

By Jennifer Mcphail

About this activity

Author: Jennifer Mcphail
Views: 166
Phase: Reviewed Skills

Free standing Lined up on edge of pool Child jumps into water on cue '1 2 3' Propels underwater to retrieve dive stick Child turns and propels back to edge of pool Submersion Parent poolside

Child needs to choose method for returning to pool edge


Child enters water on cue '1 2 3' standing independently. Child propels underwater to retrieve dive sitck. Parent poolside


Needs to be able to jump and turn voluntarily

Development in Water

Needs to be able to jump away from side of pool, jump and propel

  • Hickory dickory dash
  • The children made a big splash
  • They turned around and touched the ground
  • Hickory dickory dash