Fishes in the Water - P04

By Jennifer Mcphail

About this activity

Author: Jennifer Mcphail
Views: 163
Phase: Today's Skills

Open chest hold facing parent Children sitting along edge of pool or mat Parents lined up in water Maintain eye contact Teacher behind parents On cue '1 2 3' parent bends child at waist and draws child into water Gentle submersion Allow weight to carry them down Parent and child participate

Attempt a looser hold around child's chest to see if they lean forward on own. If they do not return to a secure hold


Child in open chest hold sitting on poolside. Parent draws child into water gently submerging on cue '1 2 3'


Needs to be able to sit supported

Development in Water

Needs to be able to submerge

  • Fishes in the water
  • Fishes in the sea
  • We all jump up
  • With a 1 2 3