Mama Quackles March - P03

By Jennifer Mcphail

About this activity

Author: Jennifer Mcphail
Views: 153
Phase: Reviewed Skills

Maintain eye contact Open chest hold Move in circle around teacher Strong bob up and down Parent and child participate

Vary height child is lifted according to lyrics


Child in open chest hold facing parent. Parent moving backwards in circle bouncing child up and down with increased vigour


Needs to be able to hold body in an upright position

Development in Water

Needs to be relaxed with water around face

  • Oh the Mama and the babies went round
  • All through the garden and then
  • She marched them up to the top of the hill
  • And she marched them down again
  • And when they were up they were up!
  • And when they were down they were down
  • And when they were only halfway up they were neither up or down!