Ladies Ride - P01

By Jennifer Mcphail

About this activity

Author: Jennifer Mcphail
Views: 175
Phase: Reviewed Skills

Close hip hold Maintain eye contact In a circle around teacher Parent and child facing forward Parent and child participate

Gauge child's comfit before increasing movement speed


Child in close hip hold. Parent moving forwards bouncing up and down with child


Needs to be strong enough to hold head up independently

Development in Water

Needs full participation of parent

  • This is the way the ladies ride clip clop clip clop
  • This is the way the ladies ride clip clop along
  • This is the way the gentleman rides trit trot trit trot
  • This is the way the gentleman rides trit trot along
  • This is the way the farmer rides gallop-a gallop-a gallop-a gallop-a
  • This is the way the farmer rides galloping along
  • This is the way the old man rides Whoa! Whoa!
  • This is the way the old man rides and falls into the ditch