Fins on the Shark - P03

By Jennifer Mcphail

About this activity

Author: Jennifer Mcphail
Views: 136
Phase: Warm Up

Open chest hold Stand in circle around teacher Child follows actions to lyrics Parent holds child while child paticipates

Make sure the child is supported securely throughout activity to promote confidence. Position child so that mouth is able to be put in water when ready


Child in open chest hold. Child follows actions facing teacher


Needs to be able to make simple movements

Development in Water

Needs to be relaxed with water around face

  • The fins on the shark go swish swish swish
  • swish swish swish, swish swish swish
  • The fins on the shark go swish swish swish
  • All around the sea
  • The tail on the whale goes flip flap flop
  • The mouth of the shark goes open and shut...
  • The flippers on the seal go clap clap clap...
  • The blow hole on the whale goes bubble bubble bubble...