Front Crawl - P08 front 3, side 3 with arms, with equipment

By Jennifer Mcphail
Part of Level PS 4 - Lesson 07

About this activity

Author: Jennifer Mcphail
Views: 104
Phase: Reviewed Skills

Arms forward holding triangle board, face in Kick on front for 3 Stroke with left arm & roll to side, kick for 3 Left arm recovers forward to board & face in for 3 Repeat right arm Repeat entire movement for target distance

Be sure child rolls shoulder and hips when rolling to side.


Arms forward holding triangle board, face in Kick on front for 3 Pull with left arm & roll to side, kick for 3 Left arm recovers forward to board & face in for 3 Repeat right arm

Use flippers to assist with propulsion if necessary.

Filters: Sports, Swimming,