Free standing One child at a time Child turns to enter backwards down ladder
Child climbing backward down ladder
Child standing poolside Toes over edge Arms in streamline On cue child guides self with hands first into and under water kicking to surface Child maintains streamline and kicks to target distance
Complete dive
Free standing Lined up across pool Arms in streamline Independent on front to wall (or target distance)
Introduction to streamline with propulsion on front
Backstroke to target distance with both arms moving simultaneously (double arm backstroke) Small, fast, strong kicks
Exit of hands, kicking, flags
3x right arm 3x left arm 4x double arm 6x backstroke to target distance
Building distance & stroke timing
Backstroke to target distance arms with windmill action Breathe in and out Small fast kicks
Timing of arms, rotation, body position
Child floating on front (fins optional) Eyes looking down 2x Right arm stroking action with kick 2x Left arm stroking action with kick 2x double arm action with breathing Repeat to target distance
Timing of breathing
Child swims butterfly to wall Hands touch wall simultaneously Body leans back as soles of feet are placed on wall parallel to bottom of pool - simultaneously lower arm under water/top arm out of water as hand passes behind closest ear Push off streamline with strong butterfly kick to surface Swim two strokes of butterfly with head down before taking first breath
Full turn with correct breakout to full butterfly
Streamline Stroke Breathe Kick Streamline (hold 2-3 seconds) Repeat
Timing of the stroke
Child swims breaststroke to wall Hands touch wall simultaneously Body leans back as soles of feet are placed on wall parallel to bottom of pool - simultaneously lower arm under water/top arm out of water as hand passes behind closest ear Push off streamline and hold for two seconds •Arms sweep out to "V" just past shoulder width/thumbs down Hands sweep in palms towards belly button •Palms to thighs as body remains in streamline for two seconds As arms recover (across and close to body back to streamline position) simultaneously 1x breaststroke kick/head down Streamline position two seconds Child must take breath before the completion of the outsweep of the first stroke Swim breaststroke to target distance
Full turn with correct breakout to full breaststroke
Free standing One child at a time Child holds onto side of pool and pulls themselves up and onto the side using own strength
Child climbs up out of pool independently