Level 10 - Lesson 09

By Jennifer Mcphail
Part of Smart Swim - School Age
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Entry Down Ladder - P14

Free standing One child at a time Child turns to enter backwards down ladder


Child climbing backward down ladder

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Reviewed Skills

Freestyle - P22

Increase target distance


Distance with stroke control

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Today's Skills

Backstroke - P08

Backstroke to target distance arms with windmill action Breathe in and out Small fast kicks


Timing of arms, rotation, body position

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Breaststroke - P15

Streamline Stroke Breathe Kick Streamline (hold 2-3 seconds) Repeat


Timing of the stroke

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IM Turn - P01

Butterfly to Backstroke Turn Focus on good butterfly technique, touching wall with two hands, moving hands overhead to streamline, leaning backwards and pushing off on-back under the water into a backstroke push-off Kick to surface and swim backstroke

Technique, Technique, Technique


Butterfly to Backstroke

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IM Turn - P02

Backstroke to Breaststroke Turn Focus on good backstroke technique, counting strokes in from 5m flag, touching wall with one hand whilst on back Swivel body around to place feet on the wall (under the surface) Simultaneously move one arm close to head, other under the water to form a streamline position two hands outstretched over head Push off under the water on side, twisting to normal flat streamline position Normal breaststroke push off & pull out, start swimming breaststroke

Technique, Technique, Technique


Backstroke to Breaststroke

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IM Turn - P03

Breaststroke to Freestyle Turn. Focus on good breaststroke technique Breaststroke to wall Touch wall with two hands simultaneously Start to turn towards the opposite end of the pool and simultaneously move one arm close to head, other under the water to form a streamline position two hands outstretched over head Push off under the water on side, twisting to normal flat streamline position Normal freestyle push off, start swimming freestyle

Technique, Technique, Technique


Breaststroke to Freestyle

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Individual Medley - P02

Swimming all four strokes as drills (coach to select appropriate drills), one length (or half length) of each stroke focusing on building technique for full medley

Technique, Technique, Technique


IM drills to build towards full stroking with correct technique

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Individual Medley C

Refer to the following four stroke progressions below as an IM drill Butterfly P17 Backstroke P09 Breaststroke P14 Freestyle P17


Four stroke IM phases

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Butterfly - P17

Child floating on front (fins optional) Eyes looking down 2x Right arm stroking action with kick 2x Left arm stroking action with kick 2x double arm action with breathing Repeat to target distance


Timing of breathing

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Backstroke - P09

Backstroke to target distance with both arms moving simultaneously (double arm backstroke) Small, fast, strong kicks


Exit of hands, kicking, flags

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Breaststroke - P14

From push 3x kick 2x stroke 2x kick 3x stroke


Practicing stroke phases

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Freestyle - P17

Single arm 3x right 3x left Non stroking arm maintained outstretched in wide position Breathing action Finger tip entry


Head position, breath timing, exit

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Exit Over Side of Pool - P10

Free standing One child at a time Child holds onto side of pool and pulls themselves up and onto the side using own strength


Child climbs up out of pool independently

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