Free sitting Children lined up on side of pool Child extends arm across body to other arm placing hand on pool deck Child turns and slowly enters water on cue '1 2 3'
Child sits independently on side of pool, turns and enters pool independently
Child standing poolside Toes over edge Arms in streamline On cue child guides self with hands first into and under water kicking to surface Child maintains streamline and kicks to target distance
Complete dive
From push Count no. of strokes while breaststroking to target distance Repeat attempting to reduce stroke count
Timing of stroke, breathing and kick action
Streamline Stroke Breathe Kick Streamline (hold 2-3 seconds) Repeat
Timing of the stroke
Kick to wall Arm outstretched at wall touch Head down Somersault Place feet on wall Push off with legs Rotate onto front Streamline Kick to target area
Adding turn to tumble
Freestyle to wall Head down Somersault Place feet on wall Push off with legs Rotate onto front Streamline Kick Freestyle to target area after swimmer breaks surface
Tumbleturn action
Child standing poolside Toes over edge Arms in streamline On cue child guides self with hands first into and under water kicking to surface Child maintains streamline and kicks to target distance
Complete dive
Free standing One child at a time Child holds onto side of pool and pulls themselves up and onto the side using own strength
Child climbs up out of pool independently