Level 09 - Lesson 01

By Jennifer Mcphail
Part of Smart Swim - School Age
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Entry Down Ladder - P10

Free standing One child at a time Child turns to enter backwards down ladder


Child climbing backward down ladder

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Reviewed Skills

Freestyle - P20

Freestyle to increased target distance Non stroking arm maintained outstretched at body width Sequence: breathe, stroke, stroke & blow, stroke & breathe


All technical aspects

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Today's Skills

Backstroke - P08

Backstroke to target distance arms with windmill action Breathe in and out Small fast kicks


Timing of arms, rotation, body position

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Breaststroke - P09

Child front floats Arms extended in front holding aid Head down Legs extended Bend knees Heels to buttocks Top of foot parallel to bottom of pool• "V' with feet • Circle outwards with feet Legs extended Feet touching


Supported leg action on front float

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Breaststroke - P10

Child front floats Arms at side of body Head down Heels to touch hands Legs extended Bend knees • Heels to buttocks Top of foot parallel to bottom of pool "V' with feet • Circled outwards with feet Legs extended • Feet touching


Independent leg action on front float

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Breaststroke - P14

From push 3x kick 2x stroke 2x kick 3x stroke


Practicing stroke phases

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Breaststroke Turn - P03

Child swims breaststroke to wall Hands touch wall simultaneously Body leans back as soles of feet are placed on wall parallel to bottom of pool - simultaneously lower arm under water/top arm out of water as hand passes behind closest ear Push off streamline Stand Return to start Repeat


Positioning and movement of arms off wall

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Breaststroke Turn - P04

Child swims breaststroke to wall Hands touch wall simultaneously Body leans back as soles of feet are placed on wall parallel to bottom of pool - simultaneously lower arm under water/top arm out of water as hand passes behind closest ear Push off streamline and hold for two seconds Arms sweep out to "V" just past shoulder width/thumbs down Hands sweep in palms towards belly button Palms to thighs as body remains in streamline position for two seconds Stand •Return to start • Repeat


Stroke phase of turn

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Exit Over Side of Pool - P09

Free standing One child at a time Child holds onto side of pool and pulls themselves up and onto the side using own strength


Child climbs up out of pool independently

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