Free standing One child at a time Child turns to enter backwards down ladder
Child climbing backward down ladder
Free standing Lined up across pool Arms in streamline Independent on front to wall (or target distance)
Introduction to streamline with propulsion on front
Single arm 3x right 3x left Non stroking arm maintained outstretched in wide position Breathing action Finger tip entry
Head position, breath timing, exit
Single arm 3x right 3x left Single arm 2x right 2x left Single arm 1x right1x left Non stroking arm in streamline position Breathing action
Body position, stroke control, breath timing
Freestyle to target distance counting strokes Repeat distance attempting to reduce stroke count
Stroke length and control
Kick to wall Arm outstretched at wall touch Head down Somersault
Gaining confidence at wall
Kick to wall Arm outstretched at wall touch Head down Somersault Place feet on wall Push off with legs Rotate onto front Streamline Kick to target area
Adding turn to tumble
Freestyle to wall Head down Somersault Place feet on wall Push off with legs Rotate onto front Streamline Kick Freestyle to target area after swimmer breaks surface
Tumbleturn action
Freestyle to increased target distance Non stroking arm maintained outstretched at body width Sequence: breathe, stroke, stroke & blow, stroke & breathe
All technical aspects
Free standing One child at a time Child ascends ladder
Child climbs up ladder independently