Free standing One child at a time Child turns to enter backwards down ladder
Child climbing backward down ladder
Freestyle to increased target distance Non stroking arm maintained outstretched at body width Sequence: breathe, stroke, stroke & blow, stroke & breathe
All technical aspects
Backstroke to target distance arms with windmill action Breathe in and out Small fast kicks
Timing of arms, rotation, body position
Child back floats Arms at side of body Head back Heels to touch hands Legs extended Bend knees • Heels to buttocks Top of foot parallel to bottom of pool "V' with feet • Circled outwards with feet Legs extended • Feet touching
Independent leg action on back float
Streamline 3x stroke and breathe (No kicking) Arms streamlined head down 3x kick •Streamline 2x stroke and breathe (No kicking) Arms streamlined head down 2x kick •Streamline 1x stroke and breathe •(No kicking) Arms streamlined head down 1x kick
Introducing all aspects of stroke together
Child floating on front Eyes looking down Arms outstretched to "v" 4x kick action Catch Simultaneously push chin forward to breathe as hands pull under elbows Thumbs push past thighs to exit Stand Repeat to target distance
Timing of breath, stroke and kick
Child floating on front Eyes looking down Arms outstretched to "v" 2x OR 4x kick action Catch Simultaneously push chin forward to breathe as hands pull under elbows Thumbs push past thighs to exit Arms recover under water to streamline Repeat seqence to target distance
Streamline to exit
Child standing poolside Toes over edge Arms in streamline On cue child guides self with hands first into and under water kicking to surface Child maintains streamline and kicks to target distance
Complete dive
Free standing One child at a time Child ascends ladder
Child climbs up ladder independently