Child squatting poolside Toes over edge Arms in streamline On cue child guides self with hands first into and under water kicking through hoops (held by Teacher) Child maintains streamline and kicks to target distance
Maintaining streamline after water entry
Free standing Lined up across pool Arms in streamline Independent on front to wall (or target distance)
Introduction to streamline with propulsion on front
Free standing Lined up across pool Independent kicking on back Hands sculling at side
Dive sticks submerged on bottom of pool Arms outstretched Arms moving to "V" thumbs down Thumbs up moving back to centre Small fast freestyle kicks to submerge and stroke along bottom of pool to retrieve aids
Feeling water and moving under water
Arms outsweep to "V' Arms circle around thumbs down Insweep with thumbs up to under face Palms facing, fingers pointing forward Arms outstretched and body to streamline Repeat to target distance
Breaststroke arms
Using aid practice single stroking and breathing action Finger tip entry Small fast kicks to target distance Change arms and repeat
Roll to breathe
Combining breathing, stroke and kick actions
Left arm outstretched in line with body Single right arm stroking Breathing action Small fast kicks Change arms and repeat
No splashing hands, control fingertip entry
Breathing timing, exit and entry
Child floating on front Eyes looking down Arms at side Feet and knees together Hips down as feet come up Hips up as feet come down Undulating action Repeat to target distance
Undulating moving through water on front
Child floating on back Arms at side Feet and knees together Hips down as feet come up Hips up as feet come down Undulating action Repeat to target distance
Undulating moving through water on back
Free standing One child at a time Child holds onto side of pool and pulls themselves up and onto the side using own strength
Child climbs up out of pool independently