Level 04 - Lesson 05

By Jennifer Mcphail This plan is freely available for viewing
Part of Smart Swim - School Age
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Half Turn Entry - P08

Free sitting Children lined up on side of pool Child extends arm across body to other arm placing hand on pool deck Child turns and slowly enters water on cue '1 2 3'


Child sits independently on side of pool, turns and enters pool independently

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Reviewed Skills

Front Propulsion - P16

From standing Arms outstretched holding aid Small fast kicks When breath needed lift head or roll to back Teacher supports as needed

Eyes looking straight down


Lifting head or rolling to back for breath

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Today's Skills

Front Propulsion - P17

On front arms outstretched with aid Small fast kicks moving through hoops to wall (or target distance)


Leg action to propel

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Freestyle - P06

Streamline position Using one arm (with floatation aid) Quiet, finger tip entry Eyes down Child strokes to target distance Small fast kicks Change arms Repeat

Fingertips in - control


Combining stroke and kick action

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Freestyle - P07

Streamline position Using one arm (without aid) Quiet, finger tip entry Eyes down Child strokes to target distance Small fast kicks Change arms Repeat


Combining stroke and kick action and fingertip entry

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Freestyle - P04

Streamline position Small fast kicks Child attempts stroking arms to target distance


Body and head position

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Freestyle Turn - P04

Free standing Discuss gentle blowing from nose Child hugs knees and curls up into a ball Child attempts somersault in water with teacher Teacher fully supporting


Teacher assisting child to somersault

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Freestyle Turn - P05

Free standing Discuss gently blowing from nose Teacher circulating Child somersaults independently and regains stand 


Independent somersault

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Butterfly - P04

Child floating on front Eyes looking down Arms at side Feet and knees together Hips down as feet come up Hips up as feet come down Undulating action Repeat to target distance


Undulating moving through water on front

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Breaststroke - P05

Dive sticks submerged on bottom of pool Arms outstretched Arms moving to "V" thumbs down Thumbs up moving back to centre Small fast freestyle kicks to submerge and stroke along bottom of pool to retrieve aids


Feeling water and moving under water

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Diving>5 - P08

Child sitting poolside Arms in streamline On cue child guides self with hands first into and under water kicking through hoops (held by Teacher) Child maintains streamline and kicks to target distance


Head and arm postioning to submerge below water

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Exit Over Side of Pool - P05

Free standing One child at a time Child holds onto side of pool and pulls themselves up and onto the side using own strength


Child climbs up out of pool independently

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