Free sitting Children lined up on side of pool Child extends arm across body to other arm placing hand on pool deck Child turns and slowly enters water on cue '1 2 3'
Child sits independently on side of pool, turns and enters pool independently
From standing position child leans forward Head submerged looking to bottom of pool Legs rise Create "X" "Y" "l" with body Child stands Teacher supports if needed
Changing position and balance during floatation
Free standing Eyes looking down Lean frontwards to front Float Small fast kicks
Eyes looking straight down then kick
Propelling independently
Needs to be able to float indpendently on front
Sitting on poolside Child falls in on cue, rotates onto back On back child kicks to wall (or target distance) Teacher to place hands over child's knees if needed
Water safety - propelling to safety
On back arms outstretched with board over knees Small fast kicks Knees not to touch board Teacher supports as needed
Leg action to propel
On back arms at side Small fast kicks moving through hoops to wall (or target distance)
Kicking through hoops
Independent floating on back Teacher support as needed Child's arms and legs in an 'X', 'Y' and 'I' formation
Independent float
Child sitting or standing at side of pool Child jumps in and immediately turns onto back float Teacher supports if needed
Free standing Eyes looking up Lean backwards to back float Small fast kicking Breathing
Independent propulsion
On back with support create"X" position move to "T" position Small fast kicks
Supported body position
On back unsupported "X" position on back to "T" position Small fast kicks
Independent body position
Child pushes off from front float Kick through first hoop Roll to back through second hoop
Propelling on back for safety
Child front floats Roll to back Kick on back to target distance
Propelling on back for safety
Teacher holds hoop(s) vertically submerged Child holds breath to submerge and propel through hoop(s) Child blows air out as resurfacing to stand
Submerging to propel
Free standing One child at a time Child holds onto side of pool and pulls themselves up and onto the side using own strength
Child climbs up out of pool independently