Free standing One child at a time Child turns to enter backwards down ladder
Child climbing backward down ladder
From standing position child leans forward Head submerged looking to bottom of pool Legs rise Independent float Teacher counts 1,2,3, stand Child stands
Independent floatation
Back hold Countdown to release on cue "1,2,3" Independent floating on back Teacher support as needed
Cued release to independent float
Independent floating on back Teacher support as needed Child's arms and legs in an 'X', 'Y' and 'I' formation
Independent float
Child front floats Child attempts to roll to back Teacher assists with roll
Rolling to back for safety
Child front floats Child rolls to back Teacher supports if needed
Rolling to back for safety
Free standing Eyes looking down Using aid, lean frontwards to front float Small fast kicking to teacher
Using aid whilst propelling
Free standing Child leans back gently onto back float, chin up Teacher supports child on nape of neck Child small fast kicks Teacher assist child to stand
Supported kicking to propel
Free standing Child leans back gently onto back float, chin up Teacher supports child on nape of neck Child kicks with Teacher's hand over child's knees Teacher cues 1,2,3 to release Child stands
Released support to propel
Free standing on mat Mat is held by Teacher and children wait until their turn Child bends at waist and independently somersaults Teacher assisting at water entry Submersion
Supported somersault
Child standing on edge of mat or poolside Arms outstretched On cue child leans forward submerging fully into water towards Teacher turns and propels to safety Teacher supports as needed
Submerging from standing entry to water
Free standing • Lined up on edge of pool • Child jumps into water on cue '1 2 3' with noodle around body for support • Turns and propels back to side of pool and climbs out • Submersion •
Child stands on poolside enters on cue '1 2 3'. Child turns and propels back to side of pool and climbs out
Free standing • Lined up on edge • Child jumps over noodle into water on cue '1 2 3' • Child turns, and grabs onto noodle • Child lets go and submerges under noodle • Child propels to side of pool • Submersion
Child lets go of noodle and submerges under noodle. Child propels to side of pool
Noodle hold • Random configuration around pool • Child brings knees up and turns independently in a circle • Choice submersion
Child's chest on noodle. Child moves around in circle.
Free standing One child at a time Child holds onto side of pool and pulls themselves up and onto the side using own strength Teacher support if required
Child climbs up out of pool independently