Free standing One child at a time Child turns to enter backwards down ladder
Child climbing backward down ladder
Free standing • Random configuration around pool • Child moving around pool independently gathering balls
Moving independently in water while collecting balls
Free standing • In circle around teacher • Follow actions to lyrics
Child follows actions.
Teacher pours water on child's hands to explain and feel pressure and feel for water Child standing hands in water Arms outstretching inwards thumbs up on "v") Moving arms from "i" to "v" position and front (palms facing outwards thumbs down)
Feeling water
Teacher to demonstrate movement to child Child walking with hands in water Arms outstretched Moving arms from "i" to "v" position and front (palms facing outwards thumbs down on out-sweep "i", palms facing inwards thumbs up on in-sweep "v") Teacher assists as needed
Feeling water whilst moving
Free standing • Standing in circle around teacher • Blowing bubbles on top of water • Child participates
Child standing with support if needed blowing bubbles
Front hold Eye to eye contact Teacher moves child side to side in water No Submersion
Gaining confidence on front and establishing trust with Teacher
Front hold Eye to eye contact Teacher moves backward with child
Gaining confidence being moved through water
Children sitting on side of pool Small fast kicking Teacher hand over the knee
Sitting poolside
Open chest hold facing teacher • Maintain eye contact • Children sitting along edge of pool or mat • Teacher in water • On cue '1 2 3' teacher bends child at waist and draws child gently into water • No submersion •
Child in open chest hold sitting on poolside. Teacher draws child into water on cue '1 2 3'
Free standing One child at a time Child ascends ladder Teacher support as needed
Child climbs up ladder with support