30 months & up - Lesson 08

By Jennifer Mcphail
Part of Smart Swim - With Parents
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Entry Down Stairs - P03

Child holds railing as necessary Parent walks down stairs and turns to face child Child walks down stairs to parent


Child walks down with parent supervision

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Kids on the Boat

Circle - children and parents in pairs around teacher "Kids On The Boat" (tune of "Wheels On The Bus")

Variation: Have children stand on island and do actions together.

  • The kids on the boat go up and down, up and down, up and down
  • The kids on the boat up and down
  • All through the sea
  • -----
  • The horn on the boat goes beep beep beep
  • -----
  • The wipers on the boat go swish swish swish
  • -----
  • The kids on the boat they kick their feet
  • -----
  • The motor on the boat goes vroom vroom vroom (blow bubbles)
  • -----
  • The driver on the boat waves bye bye bye
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Warm Up

Big Mat Songs

Child sitting on mat facing parent Parents walk around in circle while turning mat Sing each song Child tip forward and swim at end of each song Circle - child on mat facing parent "Row Your Boat", "Ring Around The Rosie", "Speckled Frogs"


Child sitting on mat facing parent Parents walk around in circle while turning mat Sing each song Child tip forward and swim at end of each song

Turn-around swim back to mat.

  • Row, row, row your boat
  • Gently down the stream
  • Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily
  • Life is but a dream
  • Ready, swim!
  • -----
  • Ring around the rosie
  • A pocket full of posies
  • Hush-a, hush-a
  • We all fall down
  • Ready, swim!
  • -----
  • (# of kids) green and speckled frogs
  • Sat on a speckled log
  • Eating some most delicious bugs, yum yum!
  • (# of kids) jumped into the pool
  • Where it was nice and cool
  • Then there were no more speckled frogs
  • Ready, swim!
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Front Glide - P04 line toy chase

Child in side hold Lined up across pool Child pushes off from wall Glide/kick on front Get toy Parent holds child while child participates


Child in side hold Push off from wall Get toy

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Reviewed Skills

Front Glide - P06 push off

From stairs or island Child pushes off into front glide to parent Parent catches child Parent initiates submersion and releases child into swim back to stairs or island

Starting position is crucial - hands in front, shoulders in water, push forward & not jump up. Use mirror or sinkable frog/sharks to encourage child to look down.


Child push off from stairs or island Glide to parent

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Back Glide - P02

Lined up across pool Child push off wall and glides/kicks on back Parent supports

Emphasize to parents that push-off should start with feet in water and should be gentle.


Parent support Child push off wall and glide on back

Back hold progressions: 1. cheek to cheek 2. parent hold under both arms, child's head at parent's chest 3. parents' hands under neck or back of head and lower back 4. parent's hand under neck or back of head, release support of lower back 5. parent's hand under neck or back of head, release support of lower back, then release completely

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Humpty Dumpty - P06*

Parent and child face to face Child tips forward into water and submerges Kicks to parent


Child tip in Kicks to parent

  • Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall
  • Humpty Dumpty had a great fall
  • Ready, swim!
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Today's Skills

Release Swim - P02

Unassisted front glide initiated by parent Child recovers by catching stairs or island One at a time Line - child on stairs OR Island to teacher/parent and back


Unassisted front glide initiated by parent Child recovers by catching stairs or island

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Jumps - P02

Child in noodle boat Jump in from edge One at a time "Humpty Dumpty", "Speckled Frogs", or "Monkeys on the Bed"


With noodle boat

Allow child to glide & kick to parent instead of catching right away.

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Noodle Boats - P03

Child in noodle boat Teacher holds 1 holey mat against wall to create tunnel Teacher takes child at start, parent goes to end Teacher puts child with feet against wall to push-off Send child through tunnel to parent

Instruct parent to keep moving and help child stretch their body and legs. Physically manipulate legs to practice kicking.


Teacher assists push off & kick through mat tunnel to parent

If child is able to kick propulsively, remind parent to assist as little as possible.

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Multiple Swims - P01

Child in side hold Parent initiates 2 submersions in a row


Parent initiates 2 submersions in a row

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Multiple Swims - P02

Teacher holds 1 or 2 holey mat(s) against wall to create tunnel Parent with child on front move through tunnel Parent initiates 2 submersions as they move through tunnel Continue in circle to repeat Circle - children and parents in pairs move around in a circle "London Bridge"


Parent initiates 2 submersions in a row while walking through mat tunnel

  • London bridge is falling down, falling down, falling down
  • London bridge is falling down
  • My fair lady
  • Build it up with sticks and stones, sticks and stones, sticks and stones
  • Build it up with sticks and stones
  • My fair lady
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Warm Down

Ball Game - P01

Children blow bubbles Balls pop out from bucket underwater Teacher pours some water over each child's head to get face wet With song, children glide around pool to collect balls and put back in bucket Circle - children and parents in pairs around teacher, Free movement (in shallow end) "Pick Up The Balls"


Child moving around pool with parent holding

  • Pick up the balls and put them in the basket
  • Pick up the balls and put them in the basket
  • Pick up the balls and put them in the basket
  • Here at swimming class
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Froggy Jump - P01

One child at a time An exaggerated jump: teacher/parent holds child's feet and pushes child up out of water to jump forward Parent supports child while child participates



Allow child to glide & kick to parent instead of catching right away.

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Wheels On The Bus - P01

Circle - children and parents in pairs around teacher Follow actions in lyrics Parent and child facing teacher (Modification: parent and child face to face)

Parent can demonstrate actions if child is not ready to do on their own.


Parent and child participate

Parent and child face to face or facing teacher. Have children stand on island and do actions.

  • The wheels on the bus go round and round, round and round, round and round
  • The wheels on the bus go round and round
  • All through the town
  • The kids on the bus go up and down
  • The wipers on the bus go swish swish swish
  • The horn on the bus goes beep beep beep
  • The hole in the roof it lets in rain
  • The kids on the bus they kick their feet
  • The motor on the bus goes vroom vroom vroom (blow bubbles)
  • The driver on the bus waves bye bye bye
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Exit Up Stairs - P03

Child holds railing as necessary Child walks up stairs Parent supervises and walks up behind child


Child walks up with parent supervision

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