Level PS 4 - Lesson 04

By Jennifer Mcphail
Part of Smart Swim - Preschool
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Slip In From Edge

Child sitting on edge of pool Puts both hands on edge Turns body half way to slip into water while still holding onto edge of pool

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Warm Up

Bobs - P01

On island, all together Rhythmic breathing - exhale slowly underwater, breath at surface

Child should blow LONG bubbles underwater - these are BOBS, not DIPS. For those struggling with blowing long, count for them slowly to 3, 4, or 5 - it helps to have a target number. Advanced: focus on taking one quick breath in.


On island

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Combination Float

Child floats and changes positions every 3-5 seconds Can include ball, pencil, vertical, bridge


Floats with position changes

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Reviewed Skills

Body Roll - P02

Front "i" swim (hands on legs) Roll body and shoulders 3 times On 3rd roll, roll to back to breathe Roll back in same side Repeat other side

Watch for correct hand placement (hands on top of legs/thighs) to encourage proper body position. If using a small dive ring, be sure child is holding it properly - palms to body and elbows straight. Child should kick consistently while rolling. Head should stay still while body and shoulders roll.


Body roll Breathe on back

Use flippers to assist with propulsion if necessary.

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Front Crawl - P03 arms & breathe on back ("Rock & Roll")

3 front crawl arms Roll on back to breathe One at a time, Island to deep end and back


3 front crawl arms Roll on back to breathe

Use flippers to assist with propulsion if necessary. Use fulcrums or paddles to focus on proper catch and pull.

  • Rock
  • And
  • Roll
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Front Crawl - P04 side glide with kicks, with equipment

On side, 1 arm forward holding triangle board & other arm on leg Kick on side Use 1 side for target distance, repeat other side One at a time, Island to deep end and back OR Length(s) of pool


On side, 1 arm forward holding triangle board & other arm on leg Kick on side Use 1 side for target distance, repeat other side

Use flippers to assist with propulsion if necessary.

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Today's Skills

Front Crawl - P06 front 3, side 3, NO arms, with equipment

1 arm forward holding triangle board & other arm on leg, face in Kick on front for 3 Roll to side for 3 Face back in Use 1 arm for entire length(s), repeat other arm One at a time, Island to deep end and back OR Length(s) of pool

Be sure child rolls shoulder and hips when rolling to side.


1 arm forward holding triangle board & other arm on leg, face in Kick on front for 3 Roll to side for 3 Face back in Use 1 arm for entire length(s), repeat other arm

Use flippers to assist with propulsion if necessary.

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Front Crawl - P21 full stroke

Stroke 3 alternating arms Breathe to side Repeat entire movement for target distance


Full stroke

Use flippers to assist with propulsion if necessary. Use fulcrums or paddles to focus on proper catch and pull.

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Warm Down

Log Swim - P03

Child swims to log Pulls self up and OVER, swims to island Child swims UNDER log to return to point of entry


Unassisted swim over, then under log

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Pick Up Objects - P04

Pick up object from bottom of stairs Push-off & swim up One at a time

Emphasize that blowing bubbles (exhaling) will allow body to sink down, holding breath will make child float. Get down far enough to the bottom to push-off bottom with knees bent so that child can use their legs to push, not feet or toes.


In deep water - unassisted

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Climb Out At Ladder

Child climbs out of pool using ladder

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