Level PS 3 - Lesson 05

By Jennifer Mcphail
Part of Smart Swim - Preschool
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Entry Down Stairs - P05

Child holds railing as necessary Child walks down stairs



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Warm Up

Bridge Float - P01

One child at a time Child lies on top of noodle (noodle across chest & under arms) Face in & hold breath Look down, let arms & legs hang down, float Use core and lift head & exhale Inhale at surface Return to float position


With noodle

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Noodle Swim - P03

Child with noodle around back, under arms Child kicks propulsively with face in water, looking down All at a time / together

Watch for bubbles and proper head position while kicking. Physically manipulate legs to practice proper kicking motion.


Kick with face in - all at a time / together

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Reviewed Skills

Front "i" - P03

Hands on top of legs/thighs Kick on front Island to teacher and back, Island to island/stairs

Watch for correct hand placement (hands on top of legs/thighs) to encourage proper body position, arms straight. If using a small dive ring, be sure child is holding it properly - palms to body and arms straight.



Use flippers to strengthen kick.

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Back Swim - P03

Child holding triangle board on top of legs Kick on back Teacher support only as necessary

Be sure child is holding triangle board properly - thumbs on bottom and other fingers on top, hands apart / close to outside corners of triangle board (simulating placement of hands on legs), arms straight.


Kick holding triangle board

Use flippers to strengthen kick. For more advanced swimmers, hold a small ring instead of a triangle board.

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Back Swim - P04

Child's hands on top of legs/thighs Kick on back for target distance No support

Watch for correct hand placement (hands on top of legs/thighs) to encourage proper body position, arms straight. If using a small dive ring, be sure child is holding it properly - palms to body and arms straight.


Kick on back - short distance

Use flippers to strengthen kick.

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Rollover - P06

Hands on top of legs/thighs Glide on front Rollover to back Glide on back Rollover to front One at a time

Watch for correct hand placement (hands on top of legs/thighs) to encourage proper body position, arms straight. If using a small dive ring, be sure child is holding it properly - palms to body and arms straight.



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Rollover - P07

Hands on top of legs/thighs Kick on front Rollover to back Kick on back Rollover to front One at a time

Watch for correct hand placement (hands on top of legs/thighs) to encourage proper body position, arms straight. If using a small dive ring, be sure child is holding it properly - palms to body and arms straight.



Use flippers to assist with propulsion if necessary.

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Warm Down

Underwater Ball - P01

Pass ball around underwater On island(s)

Child should stay underwater and blow bubbles so that they can always see where the ball is going. Come up only to take a quick breath.


On island

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Exit Up Stairs - P05

Child holds railing as necessary Child walks up stairs



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