Child holds railing as necessary Child walks down stairs
Face in & hold breath Hold knees to chest, tuck in chin (curl up body as if a ball) for 3-5 seconds One at a time
Face in & hold breath Hold knees to chest, tuck in chin (curl up body as if a ball) for 3-5 seconds
Allow child to push off island and go into ball float with minimal / without assistance.
Face in & blow bubbles Hold knees to chest, tuck in chin (curl up body as if a ball) Blow bubbles as long as possible or until sunk to bottom & push up One at a time Depending on child's buoyancy assistance may be required for child to descend
Give a GENTLE push to help child start to sink. If child is staying afloat, it probably means that they are not blowing bubbles / exhaling properly. Remind child to make a noise (say "oooo", "eeee", or "hum") to blow bubbles.
Face in & blow bubbles Hold knees to chest, tuck in chin (curl up body as if a ball) Blow bubbles as long as possible or until sunk to bottom & push up
Hands in front, arms straight but not over-extended Kick on front
Start with shoulders in water so child pushes forward and does not "fall" in water. Watch for correct hand and arm placement (hands in front, arms straight but not over-extended) to encourage proper body position. If using a small dive ring, be sure arms are straight and reaching forward.
Use flippers to strengthen kick.
Hands on top of legs/thighs Kick on front Island to teacher and back, Island to island/stairs
Watch for correct hand placement (hands on top of legs/thighs) to encourage proper body position, arms straight. If using a small dive ring, be sure child is holding it properly - palms to body and arms straight.
Use flippers to strengthen kick.
Child holding triangle board on top of legs Kick on back Teacher support only as necessary
Be sure child is holding triangle board properly - thumbs on bottom and other fingers on top, hands apart / close to outside corners of triangle board (simulating placement of hands on legs), arms straight.
Kick holding triangle board
Use flippers to strengthen kick. For more advanced swimmers, hold a small ring instead of a triangle board.
Child's hands on top of legs/thighs Kick on back for target distance No support
Watch for correct hand placement (hands on top of legs/thighs) to encourage proper body position, arms straight. If using a small dive ring, be sure child is holding it properly - palms to body and arms straight.
Kick on back - short distance
Use flippers to strengthen kick.
Child sitting on pool edge Dive in from sitting position One at a time
Child's arms should be up beside head, like for a pencil swim. Hands should be placed one on top of the other, not with palms together. To start, child should bend down at the waist, tuck chin in, and point arms and top of head down into water.
Child sitting on pool edge Dive in from sitting position
Jump in from edge One at a time
Teacher assists child to dive down underwater Child kicks underwater to target distance One at a time, Island to island/stairs/pool edge
Child holds railing as necessary Child walks up stairs