Level PS 1 - Lesson 06

By Jennifer Mcphail
Part of Smart Swim - Preschool
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Entry Down Stairs - P04

Child holds railing and teacher's hand Child walks down stairs to teacher


Child walks down with teacher assistance

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Warm Up

This Is The Way - P02

At stairs Follow actions in lyrics


Child at stairs

  • This is the way we jump up high, jump up high, jump up high
  • This is the way we jump up high
  • In the swimming pool
  • ... go swish swish
  • ... turn around
  • ... splash our hands
  • ... make it rain
  • ... kick our feet
  • ... blow our bubbles
  • ... disappear
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Ball Game - P02

At stairs Children blow bubbles Balls pop out from bucket underwater Teacher pours some water over each child's head to get face wet Children walk on stairs to collect balls and put back in bucket

As soon as balls pop out, sweep all balls with your arms to stairs to keep children from swimming off.


Child at stairs

  • Pick up the balls and put them in the basket
  • Pick up the balls and put them in the basket
  • Pick up the balls and put them in the basket
  • Here at swimming class
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Reviewed Skills

Front Pencil - P03

Hands in front, arms straight but not over-extended Glide on front

Start with shoulders in water so child pushes forward and does not "fall" in water. Watch for correct hand and arm placement (hands in front, arms straight but not over-extended) to encourage proper body position. If using a small dive ring, be sure arms are straight and reaching forward.



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Small Mats - P04

Child lies on mat and kicks to teacher 1-2 children at a time

Be sure child's hips and legs are off the mat, in the water. Be sure child does not push mat down.



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Noodle Swim - P02

Child with noodle around back, under arms Child kicks propulsively with face in water, looking down One at a time

Watch for bubbles and proper head position while kicking. Physically manipulate legs to practice proper kicking motion.


Kick with face in - one at a time

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Front Pencil - P04

Hands in front holding equipment, arms straight but not over-extended Kick on front

Start with shoulders in water so child pushes forward and does not "fall" in water. Be sure child is holding triangle board properly - thumbs on bottom and other fingers on top, hands apart / close to outside corners of triangle board (simulating hand placement of pencil swim), arms straight.


Kick holding triangle board

For more advanced swimmers, hold a toy or ring instead of a triangle board.

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Today's Skills

Front Pencil - P05

Hands in front, arms straight but not over-extended Kick on front through hoop

Always have child start by reaching hands forward. Watch for correct hand placement (pencil - hands in front OR "i" - hands on top of legs/thighs) and straight arms to encourage proper body position.


Kick through hoop

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Warm Down

Jumps - P03 "Speckled Frogs"

Jump in from edge One at a time



  • (# of kids) green and speckled frogs
  • Sat on a speckled log
  • Eating some most delicious bugs, yum yum!
  • (child's name) jumped into the pool
  • Where it was nice and cool
  • Then there were no more speckled frogs
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Pick Up Objects - P02

Pick up object from bottom At stairs or island One at a time

Start with child sitting on stairs, toy at feet, work through progressions: 1) reach for toy, 2) with bubbles, 3) with face in when ready.


Child at stairs or island - initiates submersion, assistance to go down deeper

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Exit Up Stairs - P04

Child holds railing and/or teacher's hand as necessary Child walks up stairs to exit pool


Child walks up with teacher assistance

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