Self-Control and Alertness

By Adam Taylor
Part of Pyramid project

Embark on a journey to uncover the profound connection between self-control and alertness in the pursuit of success. Today's lesson will immerse participants in a comprehensive exploration of these vital concepts, highlighting their significance as fundamental pillars for personal achievement. Through engaging activities and thought-provoking discussions, individuals will grasp the essence of discipline and mindfulness, learning how these attributes are pivotal in realizing one's goals and aspirations.

Immersed in the rich framework of John Wooden's Pyramid of Success, this session will empower attendees to deepen their understanding of self-control and alertness. By actively participating in interactive exercises and engaging in reflective dialogue, participants will unlock valuable insights into how these qualities can sharpen focus, enhance decision-making abilities, and elevate overall personal effectiveness.


  • Emphasize the importance of self-control and alertness as essential skills for success
  • Incorporate activities that promote discipline and mindfulness
  • Facilitate discussions on how self-control and alertness contribute to performance and well-being
  • Ensure a safe environment for all participants during activities
  • Prepare materials and resources needed for the lesson in advance

Equipment required:

  • Markers and flip charts for group discussions
  • Paper and pens for individual reflections
  • Activity props like cones, ropes, or blindfolds for interactive exercises
  • Timer or stopwatch to keep track of activity durations
  • First aid kit for any minor injuries that may occur
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Introduction to Self-Control and Alertness

At the start of this session, we will delve into the concepts of self-control and alertness, emphasizing their importance in achieving success. Self-control involves the ability to regulate one's emotions, thoughts, and behavior in order to pursue long-term goals. Alertness, on the other hand, refers to being fully present and aware in the current moment, enabling quick and effective responses to situations.

Understanding and honing these traits are essential for personal growth and achievement. By developing self-control, individuals can resist impulsive actions and stay focused on their objectives. Being alert allows individuals to make informed decisions and adapt to changing circumstances, ultimately leading to better outcomes.

Introduction to Self-Control and Alertness

Self-control and alertness are important qualities that contribute to personal success. In John Wooden's Pyramid of Success, these traits are emphasized as crucial for achieving one's goals and overcoming obstacles. Self-control involves the ability to manage impulses and emotions, while alertness involves being aware of one's surroundings and making quick, well-informed decisions.


  1. Identify a situation where you demonstrated self-control. Describe what happened and how you managed to control your impulses or emotions.
  2. Think of a time when being alert helped you avoid a potential problem. Explain the situation and how your alertness benefited you.
  3. Example: You are studying for an important test, but your friends invite you to go out. How can you use self-control to stay focused on your studies?
  4. Example: You are at a sports event, and you notice a player on the opposing team making a strategic move. How can your alertness help your team respond effectively?
  5. Challenge: You are working on a group project, and one team member is not contributing. How can you use self-control to address the situation without escalating conflicts?
  6. Challenge: While driving, you encounter a sudden road closure. How can your alertness help you navigate through alternate routes and reach your destination efficiently?
  7. Real-World Problem: You are in a crowded mall when you realize you have lost your wallet. How can your self-control help you remain calm and focused on retracing your steps to find it?
  8. Real-World Problem: You are in a meeting at work, and a colleague presents an idea that you strongly disagree with. How can your alertness help you communicate your perspective respectfully and constructively?


Answers will vary depending on personal experiences and perspectives.

Introduction to Self-Control and Alertness

  1. Problem: You have a big exam coming up next week but you feel tempted to procrastinate and watch TV instead of studying. How can you practice self-control in this situation?
  2. Answer: Recognize the importance of studying for your exam and set a schedule with designated study times to avoid distractions.

  3. Problem: You are in a heated argument with a friend. How can you exhibit self-control in your response?
  4. Answer: Take deep breaths and think before responding impulsively. Consider the impact of your words on your friendship.

  5. Problem: You are at a party and offered a drink, but you are the designated driver for your friends. How can you practice self-control in this situation?
  6. Answer: Politely decline the drink and explain your role as the designated driver to ensure the safety of your friends.

  7. Problem: You are feeling very sleepy during a lecture. How can you improve your alertness and focus?
  8. Answer: Stand up and stretch, splash some cold water on your face, or engage in active listening techniques to stay alert.

  9. Problem: You have a project deadline approaching but you keep getting distracted by social media notifications. How can you improve your self-control in this scenario?
  10. Answer: Turn off notifications or use apps that limit your access to social media during work hours to stay focused on your task.

  11. Problem: You are driving and notice a pedestrian crossing the street unexpectedly. How can you demonstrate alertness and quick decision-making in this situation?
  12. Answer: Stay vigilant while driving, anticipate potential hazards, and be prepared to react quickly to ensure the safety of the pedestrian.

  13. Problem: You are in a team meeting and feel yourself zoning out. How can you maintain alertness and actively participate in the discussion?
  14. Answer: Take notes to stay engaged, ask questions to clarify information, and offer input to contribute to the conversation.

  15. Problem: You are struggling to control your temper during a disagreement with a family member. How can you practice self-control in this emotional situation?
  16. Answer: Take a moment to calm down, express your feelings calmly and respectfully, and listen actively to understand the other person's perspective.

  17. Problem: You have a habit of oversleeping and being late for appointments. How can you improve your self-control and punctuality?
  18. Answer: Set multiple alarms, establish a bedtime routine to ensure sufficient rest, and create incentives for waking up early to break the habit of oversleeping.

  19. Problem: You are feeling overwhelmed with a long to-do list. How can you prioritize tasks and maintain your alertness to stay productive?
  20. Answer: Create a daily schedule, categorize tasks based on urgency and importance, and take short breaks to recharge and refocus throughout the day.

  1. Start by explaining the importance of self-control and alertness in achieving success according to John Wooden's Pyramid of Success.
  2. Discuss the characteristics and qualities associated with self-control and alertness.
  3. Engage students in a discussion about real-life examples where self-control and alertness played a crucial role in achieving success.
  4. Introduce practical strategies and techniques to enhance self-control, such as deep breathing exercises and mindfulness practices.
  5. Encourage students to identify their personal triggers that may challenge their self-control and alertness.
  6. Provide scenarios or role-playing activities for students to practice utilizing self-control and alertness in different situations.
  7. Reflect on the outcomes of the activities and discuss how self-control and alertness can be applied in various aspects of life.

  • Game 1: Self-Control Charades
    Divide the class into two teams. One student from each team will come to the front and act out a scenario where self-control is needed (e.g., resisting the urge to eat a tempting treat, controlling anger in a frustrating situation). The team members must guess the scenario being acted out within a time limit. Points are awarded for correct guesses.
  • Game 2: Alertness Memory Challenge
    Create a set of cards with pictures or words related to being alert and attentive. Place the cards face down on a table. Students take turns flipping over two cards at a time to try and find matching pairs. If a player successfully matches a pair, they get to keep the cards and take another turn. The player with the most pairs at the end wins.
  • Game 3: Self-Control Freeze Dance
    Play upbeat music and have students dance around the room. At random intervals, pause the music and shout out a scenario where self-control is needed (e.g., staying quiet in a library, waiting patiently in line). When the music stops, students must freeze in place and act out the scenario given. Those who do not freeze or act out the scenario correctly are out of the game. The last student standing wins.
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Interactive Activity: Mindfulness Meditation

Engage participants in a mindfulness meditation exercise to practice self-control and enhance alertness. This activity aims to help individuals develop a sense of focus and awareness, promoting a calm and centered state of mind.

Start by instructing the participants to find a comfortable seated position, close their eyes, and focus on their breathing. Encourage them to observe their thoughts without judgment and gently guide their attention back to their breath whenever distractions arise.

After a few minutes of meditation, lead a brief reflection session where participants can share their experiences and insights gained from the practice. Emphasize the connection between mindfulness, self-control, and alertness, highlighting how these qualities can positively impact their daily lives and goal achievement.

Student Worksheet


Welcome to the Mindfulness Meditation student worksheet. In this activity, you will practice techniques to enhance your self-control and alertness, which are important components of John Wooden's Pyramid of Success.


  • Close your eyes and take three deep breaths, focusing on the sensation of the air entering and leaving your body.
  • Count backwards from 10 to 1, concentrating on each number and clearing your mind of distractions.
  • Visualize a peaceful place, such as a beach or a forest, and imagine yourself fully present in that environment.
  • Practice body scan meditation by slowly moving your attention from your toes to the top of your head, noticing any areas of tension or relaxation.
  • Engage in a 5-minute guided meditation session, following the instructions to stay present and centered.
  • Apply mindfulness to a real-world problem by focusing on the present moment and observing your thoughts and emotions without judgment.
  • Use self-control to resist distractions and maintain your focus on a challenging task for an extended period of time.


Answers will vary for each individual practice. Remember to reflect on your experiences and note any changes in your level of self-control and alertness.

  1. How can practicing mindfulness meditation help improve self-control and alertness in daily life?
    Answer: Mindfulness meditation can help individuals regulate their emotions and thoughts, leading to better self-control and increased alertness.
  2. Describe a real-world scenario where self-control is essential for success, and explain how mindfulness meditation can aid in maintaining self-control.
    Answer: In a high-pressure work environment, maintaining self-control can prevent impulsive decisions. Mindfulness meditation can help individuals stay focused and calm in such situations.
  3. Discuss the connection between mindfulness meditation and improving focus. Provide examples of how enhanced focus can lead to increased alertness.
    Answer: Mindfulness meditation trains the mind to focus on the present moment, which can improve concentration. Enhanced focus leads to heightened alertness as individuals become more attuned to their surroundings.
  4. How can lack of self-control impact personal relationships? Provide a scenario and explain how mindfulness meditation can help in such a situation.
    Answer: Impulsivity can strain relationships by causing misunderstandings and conflicts. Mindfulness meditation can promote self-awareness and emotional regulation, fostering healthier interactions.
  5. Give an example of a time when you struggled with self-control or alertness. How could mindfulness meditation have assisted you in that situation?
    Answer: Personal reflection required.
  6. Explain the concept of 'mindful eating' and its potential benefits for self-control and alertness.
    Answer: Mindful eating involves paying attention to sensations and cues while eating, helping individuals make healthier food choices and avoid overeating, which can positively impact self-control and alertness.
  7. Discuss the role of self-awareness in developing self-control and alertness. Provide a practical exercise or technique that incorporates mindfulness meditation to enhance self-awareness.
    Answer: Self-awareness involves recognizing one's thoughts and emotions. A mindfulness meditation exercise could be body scan meditation, where individuals focus on each part of their body to increase awareness.
  8. Describe a workplace scenario where alertness is crucial for safety and productivity. How can mindfulness meditation practices support employees in maintaining alertness in such environments?
    Answer: In a manufacturing setting, alertness is essential to prevent accidents. Mindfulness meditation techniques like focused breathing can help employees stay attentive and responsive.
  9. Identify a famous athlete or leader known for their self-control and alertness. How do you think mindfulness meditation could have contributed to their success?
    Answer: Personal reflection required.
  10. Discuss the impact of technology on self-control and alertness in modern society. How can mindfulness meditation serve as a tool to mitigate the negative effects of technology on these aspects?
    Answer: Technology distractions can hinder self-control and alertness. Mindfulness meditation can help individuals detach from technology-induced stress and improve focus and awareness.

  1. Find a quiet and comfortable space to sit or lie down.
  2. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths to help relax your body and mind.
  3. Focus on your breath, noticing the sensation of each inhale and exhale.
  4. If your mind starts to wander, gently bring your focus back to your breath without judgment.
  5. Scan your body for any areas of tension or discomfort, and consciously relax those muscles.
  6. Expand your awareness to your surroundings, noticing any sounds, smells, or sensations without reacting to them.
  7. Continue to breathe deeply and stay present in the moment, letting go of any distractions or worries.
  8. After a few minutes, slowly open your eyes and take a moment to reflect on how you feel.
  9. Practice this mindfulness meditation regularly to improve your self-control and alertness over time.

  • Game 1: Mindful Listening

    Step by Step Instructions:

    1. Pair up students and have them sit facing each other.
    2. One student will speak softly about a topic while the other student listens intently.
    3. After a minute, switch roles so the listener becomes the speaker.
    4. Encourage students to focus on the speaker without any distractions.
    5. Discuss with the class how it felt to be the speaker and the listener.
  • Game 2: Body Scan Relaxation

    Step by Step Instructions:

    1. Have students lie down comfortably on mats or the floor.
    2. Guide them through a body scan meditation, asking them to focus on each body part and release tension.
    3. After the meditation, ask students to share how they felt during the body scan.
    4. Encourage students to practice body scan relaxation at home for self-control and alertness.
  • Game 3: Mindful Movement Yoga

    Step by Step Instructions:

    1. Lead students through a series of simple yoga poses, emphasizing mindfulness and breath awareness.
    2. Encourage students to move slowly and with intention, focusing on each movement and breath.
    3. After the yoga session, ask students to share how they felt during the practice.
    4. Discuss the connection between mindful movement and self-control.
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Discussion on Discipline and Decision-Making

In this part of the lesson, we will explore how discipline influences decision-making and the crucial role of alertness in making effective choices. Through a group discussion, participants will have the opportunity to reflect on their own experiences and insights.

Discipline is the practice of training oneself to adhere to a set of rules or a code of behavior. It involves self-control, consistency, and dedication to a particular course of action. How do you think discipline impacts the decisions we make in our daily lives?

Alertness, on the other hand, refers to being mentally sharp, attentive, and aware of one's surroundings. How can being alert help us make better decisions and react effectively to various situations?

During our discussion, we will also consider how discipline and alertness are interconnected. How does maintaining self-control contribute to being more alert, and vice versa? Share examples from your own experiences where these traits have played a role in decision-making processes.

By the end of this discussion, participants will have a deeper understanding of the relationship between discipline, alertness, and decision-making, paving the way for more intentional and informed choices in their personal and professional lives.

Student Worksheet

Self-Control and Alertness

Discussion on Discipline and Decision-Making


Self-control and alertness are essential qualities in achieving success. In this worksheet, you will explore scenarios related to discipline and decision-making, two key components of John Wooden's Pyramid of Success.


  • Resisting the temptation to check your phone during study time
  • Choosing to listen attentively in class instead of daydreaming
  • Deciding to go to bed early to ensure you are well-rested for an important test
  • Opting to practice a sport or hobby regularly to improve your skills
  • Setting aside time each day for focused, uninterrupted work

Challenging Examples:

  • Turning down a social invitation to prioritize completing a project
  • Staying calm and composed in a stressful situation

Real-World Problems:

  • Imagine you are tempted to cheat on a test. How would you apply self-control in this situation?
  • You have a limited budget for the month but want to buy a new video game. How can alertness help you make a responsible financial decision?


Answers will vary, but should demonstrate an understanding of the importance of self-control and alertness in decision-making.

  1. Scenario: You have a big project due in a week but your friends invite you to a party the night before it's due. What do you do?

    Answer: Politely decline the invitation and use that time to work on your project, demonstrating self-discipline.

  2. Scenario: You are feeling tired and unmotivated to study for an important exam. How can you stay alert and focused?

    Answer: Take short breaks, engage in physical activity, or use study techniques like the Pomodoro method to maintain alertness.

  3. Scenario: You are tempted to cheat on a test because you didn't prepare well. How can you exercise self-control in this situation?

    Answer: Resist the temptation to cheat, accept the consequences of your actions, and commit to studying and preparing better for future assessments.

  4. Scenario: You are in a group project where one member is not contributing their fair share. How can you address this situation effectively?

    Answer: Communicate openly with the group member, express concerns about their contribution, and work together to find a solution that benefits the entire group.

  5. Scenario: You have a limited budget for the month but see a new gadget you really want to buy. How can you practice self-control in managing your finances?

    Answer: Prioritize your needs over wants, create a budget, and resist impulse purchases to stay within your financial limits.

  6. Scenario: You are faced with a difficult decision that requires weighing short-term gains against long-term benefits. How can you approach this decision-making process?

    Answer: Consider the potential consequences of each choice, seek advice from mentors or trusted individuals, and make a decision that aligns with your long-term goals.

  7. Scenario: You are feeling overwhelmed with tasks and deadlines. How can you improve your decision-making to prioritize effectively?

    Answer: Use tools like to-do lists, prioritize tasks based on urgency and importance, delegate when possible, and focus on completing one task at a time to avoid feeling overwhelmed.

  8. Scenario: You are presented with an opportunity that conflicts with your values and beliefs. How can you use self-control and alertness to navigate this situation?

    Answer: Stay true to your values, reflect on the potential consequences of compromising them, and make a decision that aligns with your principles, even if it means missing out on the opportunity.

  9. Scenario: You are in a disagreement with a friend or colleague. How can you exercise self-control and alertness to resolve the conflict constructively?

    Answer: Listen actively to the other person's perspective, remain calm and composed, communicate your own thoughts and feelings clearly, and work towards finding a mutually beneficial solution.

  10. Scenario: You are feeling tempted to procrastinate on a task that you know is important. How can you use discipline and decision-making skills to overcome this temptation?

    Answer: Break down the task into smaller, manageable steps, set deadlines for each step, eliminate distractions, and reward yourself for completing each milestone to stay motivated and focused.


  1. Start by introducing the concept of discipline and decision-making to the students.
  2. Explain the importance of self-control and alertness in relation to discipline and decision-making.
  3. Engage the students in a discussion on how self-control can help in making better decisions.
  4. Provide examples of situations where self-control and alertness are crucial for success.
  5. Encourage students to share their own experiences where self-control played a role in their decision-making process.
  6. Facilitate a group activity where students can practice self-control and alertness in a simulated scenario.
  7. Wrap up the discussion by emphasizing the benefits of developing self-control and alertness in everyday life.

  • Game 1: Decision-Making Dice


    1. Create a dice with different decisions written on each side. For example, "Study for the test," "Procrastinate," "Help a friend," etc.

    2. Students take turns rolling the dice and have to explain their decision-making process for the scenario they rolled.

    3. Encourage discussion and debate on the best course of action for each scenario.

  • Game 2: Self-Control Simon Says


    1. One student plays the role of "Simon" and gives commands to the rest of the group, starting with "Simon says..." For example, "Simon says, touch your nose."

    2. The twist is that sometimes "Simon" will give commands without saying "Simon says." Students must demonstrate self-control and only follow commands preceded by "Simon says."

    3. Students who follow a command without "Simon says" are out. The last student remaining becomes the next "Simon."

  • Game 3: Discipline Charades


    1. Write different scenarios related to discipline and decision-making on small cards or pieces of paper. For example, "Resisting the urge to cheat," "Handling peer pressure," "Staying focused during distractions," etc.

    2. Divide the class into teams. One student from each team selects a card and acts out the scenario without speaking while their team tries to guess the situation.

    3. This game promotes empathy, understanding, and critical thinking about the challenges of self-discipline and decision-making.

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Application of Concepts in Goal Setting

In this section of the lesson, participants will actively apply the concepts of self-control and alertness to the process of setting and achieving personal goals. By understanding the importance of discipline and mindfulness in goal setting, individuals can enhance their chances of success.

Participants will be guided through practical exercises and discussions that will help them identify specific goals, create action plans, and develop strategies to maintain focus and motivation. By incorporating the principles of self-control and alertness into their goal-setting process, participants can cultivate the habits necessary for achieving their desired outcomes.

Student Worksheet: Application of Concepts in Goal Setting

Introduction: In this worksheet, we will apply the concepts of self-control and alertness to goal setting. These are essential traits in achieving success as highlighted in John Wooden's Pyramid of Success.

Instructions: Read each scenario and identify how self-control and alertness can be applied in setting and achieving goals.

  1. Example 1: Sarah wants to improve her grades in math. How can she use self-control to stay focused during study sessions?
  2. Example 2: James wants to become a better basketball player. How can he apply alertness to identify areas of improvement and set specific goals?
  3. Example 3: Maya aims to start a small business. How can she demonstrate self-control in managing her time and resources effectively?
  4. Example 4: Alex wants to learn a new language. How can he stay alert to opportunities for practice and apply self-control to maintain a consistent study routine?
  5. Real World Problem 1: A team wants to win a championship in a sports competition. How can they use self-control and alertness in setting team goals and strategies?
  6. Real World Problem 2: A student wants to secure a scholarship for college. How can they demonstrate self-control and alertness in their academic pursuits and extracurricular activities to achieve this goal?


  1. By creating a study schedule, avoiding distractions, and staying motivated.
  2. By analyzing his performance, setting specific skill development targets, and staying attentive during practice sessions.
  3. By prioritizing tasks, avoiding procrastination, and making informed decisions.
  4. By practicing regularly, seeking opportunities for conversational practice, and staying disciplined in studying.
  5. By fostering teamwork, setting performance benchmarks, and adapting strategies based on opponents' strengths and weaknesses.
  6. By excelling academically, engaging in leadership roles, and actively seeking scholarship opportunities.

  1. Problem: Identify a long-term goal you want to achieve related to your personal growth or career development. Write down specific steps you will take to reach this goal.
    Answer: Answers will vary depending on individual goals, but should include actionable steps and a timeline for achievement.
  2. Problem: Imagine you have a setback in pursuing a goal. How would you adjust your plan and maintain your self-control to continue working towards that goal?
    Answer: Answers may include strategies for resilience, seeking support, and adjusting timelines or approaches while staying focused on the end goal.
  3. Problem: Create a SMART goal (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound) related to improving a skill or habit. Outline the steps you will take to achieve this goal.
    Answer: The goal should meet all criteria of SMART and the steps should be clearly defined and achievable within a set timeframe.
  4. Problem: Think of a scenario where you are faced with a temptation that hinders your progress towards a goal. How would you use self-control to resist the temptation and stay on track?
    Answer: Answers may include strategies like distraction, visualization of the end goal, self-reflection, or seeking accountability.
  5. Problem: Research a successful individual who exemplifies self-control in goal setting. Describe their approach to setting and achieving goals, and identify key strategies you can adapt to your own goal-setting process.
    Answer: Answers will vary based on the individual chosen, but should highlight specific tactics or behaviors that contribute to their success in goal achievement.
  6. Problem: Reflect on a time when you lacked self-control in pursuing a goal. Analyze the factors that contributed to this lack of self-control and propose strategies to prevent similar situations in the future.
    Answer: Responses should include self-awareness of triggers, potential solutions to address those triggers, and a plan for building self-control in similar scenarios.
  7. Problem: Set a short-term goal for the upcoming week that aligns with your long-term aspirations. Create a daily action plan to work towards this goal and track your progress.
    Answer: The short-term goal should be specific and achievable within a week, with daily actions that contribute to its achievement and a method for monitoring progress.
  8. Problem: Identify a mentor or role model who embodies the principles of self-control and alertness in goal setting. Describe how their influence can support your own goal-setting journey.
    Answer: Responses should detail the qualities or actions of the mentor/role model that are inspiring and how you can incorporate similar approaches into your own goal-setting practice.
  9. Problem: Evaluate your current goal-setting process and identify areas where you can improve your self-control and alertness. Develop a plan to enhance these aspects in your goal-setting routine.
    Answer: Responses should include a self-assessment, specific areas for improvement, and actionable steps to strengthen self-control and alertness in goal setting.
  10. Problem: Apply the principles of self-control and alertness to a real-world scenario where you need to make a decision that impacts your long-term goals. Describe the thought process and actions you would take to ensure a positive outcome.
    Answer: Responses should demonstrate critical thinking, self-awareness, and the application of self-control and alertness principles in a practical setting to achieve desired goals.

  1. Reflect on your long-term goals and identify a specific goal you want to achieve in the next month.
  2. Break down your goal into smaller, manageable tasks or steps.
  3. Create a timeline or schedule for when you will work on each task.
  4. Identify potential obstacles or distractions that may hinder your progress.
  5. Develop a plan for how you will overcome these obstacles and stay focused on your goal.
  6. Monitor your progress regularly and make adjustments to your plan as needed.
  7. Celebrate small victories along the way to stay motivated and reinforce your commitment to achieving your goal.

  • Goal Setting Relay Race:
  • 1. Divide students into teams of 4-5 members each.

    2. Place cones or markers at one end of the playing area to represent goals.

    3. On the signal, the first player from each team runs to the goal marker and sets a specific goal related to self-control and alertness.

    4. The player runs back to tag the next teammate who must run and add another goal to the list.

    5. The game continues until all team members have set a goal. The team with the most relevant and achievable goals wins.

  • Simon Says Goal Setting:
  • 1. Designate one student as "Simon" who will lead the game.

    2. The rest of the students stand in a circle around Simon.

    3. Simon gives commands such as "Simon says set a goal to improve self-control by limiting screen time to 1 hour a day."

    4. Students must only follow commands that start with "Simon says." If Simon gives a command without saying "Simon says," students should not follow it.

    5. The last student standing after following all correct commands wins a small prize.

  • Goal Setting Charades:
  • 1. Write different goal-setting scenarios related to self-control and alertness on separate pieces of paper.

    2. Students take turns picking a scenario and acting it out without speaking while the rest of the class guesses the goal being portrayed.

    3. Encourage students to be creative in their actions to convey the goal effectively.

    4. After each round, discuss the importance of setting specific goals and how they contribute to personal success.

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