Industriousness and Enthusiasm

By Adam Taylor
Part of Pyramid project

Today's lesson focuses on the essential qualities of industriousness and enthusiasm in achieving success. As we delve into John Wooden's Pyramid of Success, our aim is to understand how these traits serve as crucial building blocks for personal growth and accomplishment. Through interactive activities and thoughtful reflections, participants will explore the benefits of a strong work ethic and a positive attitude. By the end of this session, we aspire to deepen our appreciation for the foundational principles that drive both personal and professional development.


  • Emphasize the importance of industriousness and enthusiasm in achieving success
  • Encourage participants to reflect on how these qualities drive personal growth and accomplishment
  • Include interactive activities that showcase the benefits of a strong work ethic and positive attitude
  • Ensure safety measures are in place for any physical activities
  • Prepare engaging materials and examples to illustrate the concepts effectively
  • Facilitate discussions to encourage active participation and reflection
  • Provide constructive feedback and guidance to support participants' learning

Equipment required:

  • Whiteboard or flip chart
  • Markers or chalk
  • Projector and screen for multimedia presentations
  • Printed handouts or worksheets
  • Props or materials for interactive activities
  • First aid kit for any unforeseen accidents
  • Water station for hydration during the session
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Introduction to Industriousness and Enthusiasm

Industriousness and enthusiasm are key qualities that play a vital role in achieving success, both in personal and professional endeavors. These qualities are essential in driving individuals towards their goals and aspirations, motivating them to overcome challenges and persevere through obstacles.

By being industrious, individuals demonstrate a strong work ethic characterized by diligence, hard work, and dedication to their tasks. This commitment to excellence ensures that goals are pursued with determination and focus, leading to tangible outcomes and accomplishments.

Similarly, enthusiasm provides the necessary energy and positivity needed to tackle challenges with optimism and enthusiasm. A positive attitude not only fosters a sense of motivation and resilience but also inspires others to join in and support the pursuit of shared goals.

Throughout this lesson, we will delve deeper into the significance of industriousness and enthusiasm in achieving success, exploring how these qualities can drive personal growth and accomplishment in various aspects of life.

Industriousness and Enthusiasm Student Worksheet


Welcome to the Industriousness and Enthusiasm worksheet! In this activity, you will explore the concepts of industriousness and enthusiasm as part of John Wooden's Pyramid of Success.


Industriousness is the quality of being hardworking and diligent in one's efforts. Enthusiasm is the energy and passion that one brings to their work. Together, these qualities can lead to success and achievement.


  • Completing all your homework assignments on time.
  • Volunteering to help a classmate who is struggling with a lesson.
  • Working extra hours to prepare for an important presentation.
  • Leading a team project with enthusiasm and dedication.


  • Developing a study schedule and sticking to it consistently.
  • Taking on a leadership role in a school club or organization.

Real-World Problems:

  • You have a part-time job and need to balance work, school, and extracurricular activities effectively.
  • Your sports team is behind in the standings, and you need to motivate your teammates to work harder and stay positive.


The answers to the worksheet questions are as follows:

  1. Completing all your homework assignments on time.
  2. Volunteering to help a classmate who is struggling with a lesson.
  3. Working extra hours to prepare for an important presentation.
  4. Leading a team project with enthusiasm and dedication.
  5. Developing a study schedule and sticking to it consistently.
  6. Taking on a leadership role in a school club or organization.

  1. Problem: Calculate the total number of hours a student needs to study in a week to maintain an industrious work ethic if they study 2 hours each day from Monday to Friday.
    Answer: Total hours = 2 hours/day x 5 days = 10 hours.
  2. Problem: A company wants to increase productivity by 20%. If they currently produce 100 units per day, how many additional units do they need to produce daily to meet their goal?
    Answer: Additional units needed = 100 units x 20% = 20 units.
  3. Problem: A football team scored an average of 2 goals per game over the season. If they played 20 games, how many total goals did they score?
    Answer: Total goals = 2 goals/game x 20 games = 40 goals.
  4. Problem: A salesperson makes a commission of 5% on each product sold. If they sell a product for $200, how much commission do they earn?
    Answer: Commission = $200 x 5% = $10.
  5. Problem: A construction crew can build a wall in 8 hours. How long would it take for 3 crews to build 5 walls?
    Answer: Time = 8 hours/wall x 5 walls / 3 crews = 13.33 hours.
  6. Problem: A chef can bake 12 cakes in an hour. How many cakes can the chef bake in 5 hours?
    Answer: Cakes baked = 12 cakes/hour x 5 hours = 60 cakes.
  7. Problem: A project requires 500 hours of work to complete. If 4 workers are assigned to the project, how many days will it take to finish if each worker works 8 hours a day?
    Answer: Days to complete = 500 hours / (4 workers x 8 hours/day) = 15.63 days.
  8. Problem: A car travels at an average speed of 60 miles per hour. How long will it take to travel 300 miles?
    Answer: Time = Distance / Speed = 300 miles / 60 mph = 5 hours.
  9. Problem: A factory produces 500 units per hour. If they run the factory for 6 hours, how many units will be produced?
    Answer: Total units = 500 units/hour x 6 hours = 3000 units.
  10. Problem: A teacher wants to reward students who show enthusiasm in their class participation. If there are 30 students in the class and she wants to select the top 10% most enthusiastic students, how many students will receive the reward?
    Answer: Number of students to be rewarded = 30 students x 10% = 3 students.

  1. Start by discussing the definitions of industriousness and enthusiasm with the students. Define industriousness as being hardworking, diligent, and putting in effort consistently. Define enthusiasm as having a positive attitude, passion, and energy towards tasks.
  2. Share examples of how industriousness and enthusiasm can lead to success in various areas of life, such as academics, sports, and personal goals.
  3. Engage the students in a brainstorming session where they can identify times when they have been industrious and enthusiastic in their own lives. Encourage them to share their stories with the class.
  4. Introduce John Wooden's Pyramid of Success to the students, explaining how industriousness and enthusiasm are key components of his philosophy for achieving success.
  5. Provide real-life examples of individuals who have demonstrated industriousness and enthusiasm, and achieved great success as a result. This can include athletes, entrepreneurs, or historical figures.
  6. Facilitate a class discussion on the importance of cultivating industriousness and enthusiasm in their own lives. Encourage students to set goals that align with these qualities and create action plans to achieve them.
  7. Assign a reflection activity where students can write about how they plan to incorporate industriousness and enthusiasm into their daily routines and long-term goals. Encourage them to share their reflections with a partner or the class.
  8. Conclude the lesson by summarizing the key points about industriousness and enthusiasm, and how they are essential for personal and academic success. Encourage students to continue practicing these qualities in their daily lives.

  • Game 1: Pyramid of Success Race

    Objective: To familiarize students with the elements of John Wooden's Pyramid of Success through a fun and engaging race.

    1. Divide the students into teams, with each team representing an element of the Pyramid of Success.
    2. Set up a course with different stations representing each element of the pyramid.
    3. Teams have to race through the course, completing challenges or answering questions related to each element before moving on to the next station.
    4. The first team to successfully navigate through all the stations and reach the finish line wins the race.
  • Game 2: Enthusiasm Charades

    Objective: To encourage students to embody the concept of enthusiasm through a game of charades.

    1. Write down different scenarios or activities that require enthusiasm on separate cards.
    2. Divide the class into two teams and have one student from each team pick a card and act out the scenario without speaking.
    3. The team members have to guess the scenario being portrayed within a time limit.
    4. Rotate turns between teams until all scenarios have been acted out.
  • Game 3: Industriousness Puzzle Challenge

    Objective: To reinforce the importance of industriousness in achieving success through a collaborative puzzle challenge.

    1. Provide each group of students with a jigsaw puzzle related to a famous successful person or achievement.
    2. Students must work together to solve the puzzle within a set time frame.
    3. Encourage students to discuss how the industriousness of the individual or team depicted in the puzzle contributed to their success.
    4. Once the puzzle is completed, have a discussion about the importance of hard work and perseverance in achieving goals.
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Exploration of John Wooden's Pyramid of Success

In this section, we will delve into John Wooden's Pyramid of Success to gain a deeper understanding of how industriousness and enthusiasm serve as foundational qualities for achieving our goals. John Wooden, a renowned basketball coach, developed this pyramid as a roadmap for achieving success both on and off the court.

Wooden believed that industriousness, often referred to as hard work, is essential for progress and growth. Without a diligent work ethic, it is challenging to make meaningful strides towards our objectives. Similarly, enthusiasm plays a crucial role in sustaining our motivation and drive, especially during challenging times.

By exploring each tier of the Pyramid of Success, we will uncover the specific ways in which these qualities are integrated into Wooden's framework for achieving excellence. Through this exploration, we aim to identify actionable steps that participants can take to embody industriousness and enthusiasm in their pursuit of success.

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Interactive Activity: Work Ethic Assessment

During this interactive activity, participants will have the opportunity to assess their own work ethic and reflect on how it influences their success in achieving personal and professional goals.

To begin, provide participants with a work ethic assessment questionnaire that includes questions related to their dedication, perseverance, time management, and attitude towards work. Encourage participants to answer the questions honestly and thoughtfully.

After completing the questionnaire, allow time for participants to review their responses and identify patterns or areas for improvement in their work ethic. Facilitate a discussion where participants can share their insights and reflections with the group.

Guide the discussion towards exploring how a strong work ethic, characterized by industriousness and enthusiasm, can lead to increased productivity, goal achievement, and overall success in various aspects of life.

Encourage participants to set specific goals for enhancing their work ethic based on the assessment results and the discussions held during the activity. Emphasize the importance of consistent effort, perseverance, and a positive attitude in cultivating a strong work ethic that drives personal growth and accomplishment.

Industriousness and Enthusiasm Worksheet

Work Ethic Assessment

Welcome to the Work Ethic Assessment worksheet. In this activity, you will be exploring examples related to industriousness and enthusiasm based on John Wooden's Pyramid of Success. Test your understanding of these key qualities and see how they apply in real-world scenarios.


  • Example 1: John consistently arrives early to work and stays late to complete his tasks.
  • Example 2: Maria always approaches her projects with a positive attitude and motivates her team members to do their best.
  • Example 3: Mark sets ambitious goals for himself and works diligently to achieve them, even when faced with challenges.
  • Example 4: Sarah takes on additional responsibilities without being asked and shows dedication to her work every day.
  • Example 5: Alex proactively seeks opportunities for growth and improvement in his role, demonstrating a strong work ethic.
  • Example 6: Emily consistently goes above and beyond in her tasks, showing enthusiasm and dedication to her work.


  • Challenge 1: Identify a situation where you demonstrated industriousness and describe how it positively impacted the outcome.
  • Challenge 2: Think of a time when enthusiasm helped you overcome a difficult situation at school or work.

Real-World Problems:

  • Problem 1: You are working on a group project, and one team member is not putting in enough effort. How would you address this situation using the principles of industriousness and enthusiasm?
  • Problem 2: Your supervisor assigns you a challenging task that requires long hours and dedication. How would you approach this task with enthusiasm and a strong work ethic?


Answers will vary based on personal experiences and interpretations of industriousness and enthusiasm. Reflect on your responses to the challenges and real-world problems to gauge your understanding of these qualities.

  1. Problem: John has a goal of improving his basketball skills by practicing for at least 2 hours every day after school. On Monday, he practiced for 1 hour and 45 minutes. How much more time does he need to reach his daily goal?
    Answer: John needs to practice for 15 minutes more to reach his daily goal.
  2. Problem: Sarah has a project due in 3 days. She has completed 25% of the project on the first day. If she wants to evenly distribute the work for the remaining days, what percentage of the project should she complete on each of the next 2 days?
    Answer: Sarah should complete 37.5% of the project on each of the next 2 days.
  3. Problem: A company sets a target of increasing their sales by 10% each quarter. If their sales in the first quarter were $100,000, what is the sales target for the second quarter?
    Answer: The sales target for the second quarter is $110,000.
  4. Problem: Maria is training for a marathon and runs 5 miles every day for 6 days a week. How many miles will she run in a month?
    Answer: Maria will run 120 miles in a month.
  5. Problem: Tom works 8 hours a day, 5 days a week. If he takes a 30-minute break each day, how many hours does he work in a week?
    Answer: Tom works for 37.5 hours in a week.
  6. Problem: A construction team is building a house and can complete 20% of the work in a day. How many days will it take them to finish the house?
    Answer: It will take the construction team 5 days to finish the house.
  7. Problem: Emily wants to read 3 books in a month. If she reads for 1 hour every day, how many pages should each book have if she wants to finish them all by the end of the month?
    Answer: Each book should have around 300 pages for Emily to finish all 3 books in a month.
  8. Problem: A farmer can harvest 100 pounds of apples in a day. If he wants to harvest 500 pounds of apples, how many days will it take him?
    Answer: It will take the farmer 5 days to harvest 500 pounds of apples.
  9. Problem: Ben saves 20% of his monthly allowance. If his allowance is $50 per month, how much does he save each month?
    Answer: Ben saves $10 each month.
  10. Problem: A team is working on a project and completes 40% of the work in the first week. If they want to finish the project in 4 weeks, what percentage of the work should they complete each week?
    Answer: The team should complete 15% of the work each week to finish the project in 4 weeks.

  1. Prepare a set of work ethic assessment questions related to industriousness and enthusiasm based on John Wooden's Pyramid of Success.
  2. Divide students into small groups and provide each group with a copy of the assessment questions.
  3. Explain to the students that they will discuss and answer the questions together as a group.
  4. Encourage students to share their thoughts and perspectives on each question, promoting a collaborative discussion.
  5. Allocate a specific amount of time for the group discussion and question answering process.
  6. After the discussion, have each group choose a representative to present their group's answers and insights to the class.
  7. Facilitate a whole-class discussion where students can compare and contrast the different responses and perspectives shared by each group.
  8. Summarize the key points and insights from the activity, highlighting the importance of industriousness and enthusiasm in achieving success according to John Wooden's Pyramid of Success.

  • Game 1: Work Ethic Bingo
    1. Create Bingo cards with work ethic traits such as punctuality, perseverance, teamwork, etc.
    2. Students mark off the traits as they recognize them in themselves or others.
    3. The first student to get a line filled shouts "Work Ethic Bingo" and wins a small prize.
  • Game 2: Pyramid Puzzle Race
    1. Divide students into teams.
    2. Provide each team with a puzzle of Wooden's Pyramid of Success.
    3. The team that completes the pyramid puzzle first wins the game.
  • Game 3: Work Ethic Charades
    1. Write down different work ethic traits on small pieces of paper and place them in a bowl.
    2. One student picks a trait and acts it out without speaking while the others guess what it is.
    3. The student who guesses correctly gets a chance to act out the next trait.
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Group Discussion: Benefits of Enthusiasm

Facilitate a group discussion on the benefits of enthusiasm, encouraging participants to share personal experiences that highlight the positive impact of a positive attitude.

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