Introduction to Basketball Basics

By Adam Taylor

In this lesson, Coach Adam Taylor will introduce you to the fundamental skills and concepts of basketball. You will learn about the different positions on the court, basic rules of the game, and essential techniques such as shooting, passing, and dribbling. Get ready to lay a solid foundation for your basketball journey!

This lesson is part of the Basketball Practice Plan series, where you will learn the basics of basketball, including positions, rules, and fundamental skills. By the end of this lesson, you will have a good understanding of the sport and be ready to continue developing your skills.


Key Notes for Instructors:

  • Introduce the fundamental skills and concepts of basketball
  • Explain the different positions on the court
  • Teach basic rules of the game
  • Demonstrate essential techniques such as shooting, passing, and dribbling
  • Ensure participants understand the importance of teamwork and cooperation
  • Provide opportunities for practice and feedback
  • Encourage a positive and supportive learning environment
  • Modify activities and drills based on participants' skill levels
  • Monitor safety and address any potential hazards

Equipment required:

  • Basketballs
  • Cones or markers for court boundaries
  • Agility ladder or speed hurdles for footwork drills
  • Whistle for signaling transitions and instructions
  • First aid kit for any minor injuries
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Introduction to Basketball Positions

In this section, Coach Adam will explain the different positions on the basketball court. These positions include:

  • Point Guard
  • Shooting Guard
  • Small Forward
  • Power Forward
  • Center

Coach Adam will discuss the roles and responsibilities of each position, as well as their importance in the game. Understanding the different positions will help you gain a better understanding of how to work together as a team and maximize your performance on the court.

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Overview of Basketball Rules

In this section, Coach Adam will provide an overview of the basic rules of basketball. It is important to understand these rules in order to play the game effectively and avoid penalties.


One of the most common violations in basketball is traveling. This occurs when a player takes more than two steps without dribbling the ball. Players must dribble or pass the ball while moving to avoid traveling.

Double Dribble

Double dribble is another violation that players should be aware of. It happens when a player dribbles the ball with both hands simultaneously or picks up the dribble and then dribbles again. This results in a turnover and the opposing team gains possession of the ball.


Fouls occur when a player makes illegal contact with an opponent. There are different types of fouls, including personal fouls, technical fouls, and flagrant fouls. Personal fouls are the most common and result in free throws for the opposing team.


In addition to fouls, there are various violations that can occur during a basketball game. These include stepping out of bounds, not releasing the ball on time during a free throw, and exceeding the shot clock time limit. Violations result in a turnover and the opposing team gaining possession.

Understanding and following these rules will help you become a better player and contribute to fair and competitive gameplay.

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Shooting Techniques

In this part of the lesson, you will discover the proper shooting form and techniques in basketball. It is important to have a strong shooting technique as it greatly affects your accuracy and scoring ability.

Here are the key elements to focus on when practicing your shooting:

1. Footwork

Start with a balanced stance, with your feet shoulder-width apart and your knees slightly bent. This will provide you with a stable base for your shot.

As you prepare to shoot, align your shooting-side foot with the hoop. This will help you aim and maintain proper form throughout your shot.

2. Hand Placement

Hold the basketball with your shooting hand on the side of the ball and your non-shooting hand resting on the side for support. Your shooting hand should be positioned with your fingers spread evenly and the ball resting on your fingertips.

Ensure that your shooting hand is directly under the ball, providing a solid grip and control during your shot.

3. Follow-Through

After releasing the ball, extend your shooting arm fully and maintain a high follow-through. Your shooting hand should be pointing towards the basket, with your fingers pointing downward.

By following through with your shot, you improve your shooting accuracy and increase the chances of the ball going in the basket.

Remember to practice these shooting techniques consistently to develop muscle memory and improve your shooting proficiency.

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Passing Fundamentals

In this section, you will focus on mastering the essential passing techniques in basketball. Passing is a crucial skill that allows players to move the ball around the court and create scoring opportunities for their team. It requires accuracy, timing, and good decision-making.

There are three main types of passes that you will learn:

Chest Pass

The chest pass is a basic pass used to move the ball quickly and accurately to a teammate. To perform a chest pass, hold the ball with both hands at chest level, step toward your teammate, and push the ball straight out from your chest using a quick snapping motion. Aim for your teammate's chest or hands, and follow through with your wrists for accuracy.

Bounce Pass

The bounce pass is a low pass that is used to get the ball past defenders and into the hands of a teammate. To perform a bounce pass, hold the ball with both hands at waist level, step toward your teammate, and bounce the ball off the floor about two-thirds of the way to your teammate. Aim for the spot just in front of your teammate's feet, and snap your wrists to create backspin on the ball for a controlled bounce.

Overhead Pass

The overhead pass is used when you need to pass over defenders or make a long-distance pass. To perform an overhead pass, hold the ball with both hands above your head, step toward your teammate, and extend your arms upward while releasing the ball with a flick of your wrists. Aim for your teammate's hands or chest, and follow through with your wrists for accuracy and power.

During this practice, focus on your technique, footwork, and timing. Practice each type of pass repeatedly to develop your muscle memory and improve your accuracy. Remember to communicate with your teammates and make smart decisions about when and where to pass the ball.

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Dribbling Skills

During this part of the lesson, you will have the opportunity to practice various dribbling drills to improve your ball handling skills. Dribbling is a fundamental skill in basketball that allows you to maintain control of the ball while moving around the court.

Some of the dribbling techniques you will focus on include:

  • Crossover dribble: This involves bouncing the ball from one hand to the other in front of your body, allowing you to change direction quickly.
  • Between-the-legs dribble: In this drill, you will pass the ball between your legs while dribbling, which can help you evade defenders and create space.
  • Behind-the-back dribble: This technique involves bouncing the ball behind your back with one hand while keeping it in motion.

By practicing these dribbling drills, you will develop better ball control, hand-eye coordination, and the ability to maneuver past defenders. Remember to focus on maintaining a low dribble and keeping your eyes up to survey the court.

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