Sports - Rounders

By Smart Coach
Part of Smart Coach - Holiday Programme
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Divide the group into two even teams, one will be the "batters" whilst the others "fielders". Set up a diamond shape using any available gear that will act as "bases" (can use chairs or spots - 2 for each base). Position the batting team at one of the bases which will be the "home base" and where batters will kick the ball from. In front of the batter there will be a pitcher (marked out with a spot/cone) roughly 3-5metre away. The pitcher will roll the dodgeball along the ground toward the batter who will then kick it when close enough. The batter must run to first base after kicking the dodgeball. If they manage to get back to "home base", they will earn one point/run for their team. Once both teams have had a turn at batting, total up the scores and see which team managed to get the highest points. 


- Batters may choose to run as mant bases as they like
- Fielders can retrieve the dodgeball once it has been kicked to then try and hit the batter running between bases. If done so, the batter is out.
- Each team will have 5 lives, once all used up teams will swap over
- If the dodgeball is caught on the full without bouncing/touching the ground, the batting team will lose a life
- When kicking the dodgeball, batters must keep the ball within the diamond boundary otherwise it is a foul and the batter must try again
- If the dodgeball is thrown back to the pitcher, they can then call out "STOP' signalling that players  running between bases must stop and can no longer run until the next batter has kicked the dodgeball

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