Archery - Archery Tag

By Smart Coach
Part of Smart Coach - Holiday Programme
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Archery Tag

Split the group into two even teams and assign them half of a playing area (on a court - use the centre line, OR on a field use cones to mark out a half each). In the centre, create a cirlce using cones which will act as a "safe zone" and place all arrows here. Each team will start at ends of the court, once the whistle has blown players run to the "safe zone" and collect arrows (up to a maximum of 3) before returning to their half of the court. No player is to cross the centre line unless moving into the safe zone to collect arrows. Once inside the zone, this player can not be shot at by players from the opposing team. However, once this player leaves the zone then opposing players may shoot arrows at them. 


- Each time a player gets hit by an arrow, the player that shot the arrow will be awarded one point which will be added to their teams total.
- If a player catches an oppositions arrown before hitting the ground, that player will be awarded two points which will be added to their teams total. 
- Once time is up, add the points up to see which team got the most. 


- If a player gets hit by an arrow, they must raise their hand to indicate they have been hit and move to the side of the playing area where they are "temporarily" eliminated. 
- When arrows are caught, ONE player that has been eliminated may re-join their team and continue playing.
- The team with players still remaining OR that has the most players by the end of the time limit will be declared winners. 

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