What are the different types of passes we use? (chest, bounce, baseball, overhead) What do we have to remember when passing? (See activity overview) What do we do after we pass? (move into space)
Split group into two teams and have both lined up behind cones facing each other with a 5metre distance. The person at the front of the line for one team will start by dribbling the ball acrosss to the other team but will stop at a marked cone (roughly 3-5metre) where they will then make a chest pass to the player at the front and move to the back of the line and sit down to show they have had a turn. This will continue until all players are sitting down indicating they have had a turn at dribbling the ball.
Let teams have a 'practise round' first then begin the teachings of how to make an accurate chest pass;
- make the letter W across the back of the ball when gripping it
- basketball starts at chest
- bent arms (elbows in/no chicken wings) to straight arms by pushing the ball
- finish in 'super man' to ensure you finish your pass by pointing in direction of target
Let teams have more rounds but challenge them to 'no dropped basketballs'. At the end of the round, ask teams how many dropped basketballs there were to see who had the least.
Change to a bounce pass, teachings involved for technique;
- make the letter W across the back of the ball when gripping it
- basketball starts around tummy height
- bent arms (elbows in/no chicken wings) to straight arms by pushing the ball into the ground CLOSER to your partners feet than your own (roughly 3/4 of the distance)
- finish in 'super man' to ensure you finish your pass by pointing in direction of target