Miniball - Covid - Lesson 1 - Dribbling

By Smart Coach
Part of Smart Coach - After School Programmes
Dribbling the ball at waist height using their fingertips. Developing keeping their eyes up while they dribble the ball.  Rule of the day: double dribble - you can only use one hand on the ball at a time and once you have caught the ball up with two hands, you must pass or shoot.


Why do we dribble the ball at waist height? (It is easier to control and harder to steal) 

Why do we have our head up? (To see other players, to see the hoop, to watch out for defenders)

What was the rule of the day? (Double dribble)

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Dribble Relays

Split group into two teams and have both lined up behind cones facing each other with a 5metre distance. The person at the front of the line for one team will start by dribbling the ball acrosss to the other team where they will then hand the ball to the player at the front and move to the back of the line and sit down to show they have had a turn. This will continue until all players are sitting down indicating they have had a turn at dribbling the ball. 

Let teams have a 'practise round' first then begin the teachings of correct dribble technique;
- finger tips = increase in ball control
- waist height = allows us to see whats in front (defenders, team mates, hoop)

Let teams have more rounds but challenge them by limiting them to only use left hand, right hand, or cross over (both hands)


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Filters: Education, Fitness, Football, Gymnastics, Hockey, Physical Ed, Rugby, Sports, Tennis, Volleyball,