Where do we need to stand on defence? (Between our player and the hoop)
What is something we can we do with our hands? (Mirror the ball)
Students will be paired up with one player being the offensive player and the other being the defensive player. When the coach says go the offensive player must walk in different directions (forwards, backwards, sideways). The defensive players job is to run in order to get infront of and stay infront of the offensive player.
- No contact is allowed to be made.
- Offense - walking
- Defense - Running
Players will be in groups of 3. Two students will be standing 2 metres apart, with the third student standing inbetween. The two outside students will be passing the ball to each other while the middle student will be mirroring(playing defense) trying to tip/steal the ball.
Once the middle student steals or tips the ball, they swap out with the player that threw the pass.
Use the passes focused on in the earlier passing sessions e.g. chest and bounce.