Soccer - Football Year 0-3

By Smart Coach
Part of Smart Coach - Sports Spectacular Events
students will work on their football skills e.g. close control, moving with the ball, using different parts of their feet. in different game situations


why do we keep the ball close to our body? (so we have more control of the ball)

How do we keep the ball close to our body? (take small/soft touches on the ball)

Why do we try and keep our head up ? (so we dont crash or get tackled)

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Warm Up

Manipulative (Kicking) - Follow the Leader

Split the class into groups of 4 - 6, each standing in a straight line. Each person has a football. 

The "leader" at the front of the line decides how to dribble the ball, whilst the others copy.

Examples of ways the leader can dribble: dominant foot, least dominant foot, both feet, forward, side ways, backwards etc. 

After a short time has passed, the leader goes to the back of the line, and second in line becomes the new leader. 

Encourage the children to come up with a different type of dribbling than the leader previous, can even use ideas from game "body parts". 


Progression: put out 6 - 8 cones spaced one metre apart in a line for the line to weave through, whilst dribbling in the way determined by the leader. This encourages children to look infront of them rather than just at their feet.  


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Soccer - Sneak Up Granny

One student is selected to be the “granny” or “grandpa”. They will stand at the end of the court / field. The rest of the students line up at the other end with a soccer ball each. Their job is to sneak up on the granny when they are facing the other way. To do this they need to be dribbling the soccer ball with any part of their foot. When the granny does turn around and face the students, they need to stop and trap the ball by placing their foot on top of the ball. If they lose control of the ball or if the granny sees them moving then they have to go back to the start. If they touch the ball with their hands at any point in the game they also go back to the start. The first student to sneak up on granny and tag them on the back is the winner and they become the new granny or grandpa.


Key points:

- the students will need to be looking up at granny while they are dribbling to be able to see when the granny turns around

- when dribbling the students should be using the inside of their foot and alternating between both feet (not just one)

- to correctly trap the ball the students need to use their foot on top of the ball (no hands are invovled at all)


Instead of making the students go back to the start there could be an alternate penalty such as taking three steps backwards or completing 5 star jumps etc

Special Needs Modifications

Modified equipment bigger / softer ball. Different starting point.

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Manipulative (Kicking) - Driving School


  • Ball each 
  • Size of area to suit number of players (20 x 15) for a class size.
  • Cones scattered around the area
  • Players on command dribble around the area (drive their car) without crashing into each other or hitting a red cone (lamp post). If a crash is made by the player then they must leave their ball and complete 5 star jumps before returning back to the game. Coach dictates the surface of the feet and what foot to use. Players drive and stop at every white cone (petrol pump) carrying out 5 toe taps before moving off. Who can get around all the cones the quickest? - awareness: plan your route. 


  • Follow a partner
  • On visual signal players must stop (put the brakes on)
  • Introduce the gears 1st = walk, 2nd = jog, 3rd = running, 4th = fast as you can go

Key Points

  • Dribble with the ball close to your feet
  • Keeping head up while dribbling - 'awareness'
  • Changing direction with various parts of the foot



Use a points system - players start on 10 points and for every crash they make they loose a point. Make the area bigger or smaller to alter difficulty. Add in more or less cones to alter difficulty. add in taggers

Special Needs Modifications

take away cones. allow them to travel with the ball in their hands.

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