When are you in an attacking posistion in this game?
When are you in an defending posistion in this game?
What are you doing as a team when you don't have the ball?
The aim of this activity is to score a point by making the ball bounce on the other side of the court.
Set up a playing area with a dividing line in the middle for each group of eight players. Divide each group into two groups of four, who take their places on either side of the dividing line. One team starts with the ball and throws above head height into the opposition area. The player who threw the ball must run to the back line before returning to the game. The rally continues until the ball is either thrown out or lands on the ground. A point is awarded to the team that did not make the mistake. The team that gets to 10 points first is the winner.
Fewer players per team, use racquets, make playing area bigger/smaller. use a net
Allow the ball to bounce once, make playing area bigger/smaller.