Net & Wall  - Keep the rally going

By Smart Coach
Part of Smart Coach - Miscellaneous Activities
The aim of this activity is to keep a rally going with a partner within a defined area,  The students will then move on to playing against each other to create a competitive game. 


What did you think about before you hit the ball?

What did you think about when you were waiting for the ball to be hit?

How did your game change when you were playing against each other?

How does the size of your back swing & follow through affect the flight of the ball?

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Keep the rally going

Define an area for each pair to play within. Pairs strike a ball to each other using their hands. The ball must be hit up in the air and can only bounce once before it must be hit again. If the ball goes outside of the area on the full, the rally stops and the pair starts counting from zero. The winning pair will keep the rally going and accumulate the highest number of hits.


  • After a player has hit the ball, they must move.
  • Use a racquet to hit the ball
  • Play against each other, attempting to place the ball so that the partner connot hit it before it bounces twice.
  • Can introduce a net between the two players.


Encourage players to:

Be side-on when striking, hit the ball into spaces, leave balls that will go out on the full.


Play two versus two, use racquet and tennis ball, take away the bounce and make it a volley.

Special Needs Modifications

allow more bounces, use a bigger ball.

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