Participants learn about and practise working in a group to keep an object in the air.
They will come up with strategies as a team to keep the ball in the air.
Divide participants into small groups (e.g., four to six).
Participants create an activity area for their group using four pylons to define the boundaries.
Participants select a ball that is appropriate for their group (e.g., volleyball, beach ball, balloon).
Activity Instructions
Each group stays within the activity area and plays a game of “keep the ball up” by hitting a ball into the air to pass it to each other.
Participants work together to prevent the ball from hitting the floor.
Participants count how many passes they can complete before the ball drops.
The group works together to try to better their previous score each round.
Increase the size of the activity area.
Increase the number of balls in the game.
Modify the hitting techniques (e.g., use two hands or use only the non-dominant hand).
Play sitting down.
Keep the ball up while moving from one end of the activity area to the other.
Special Needs Modifications
Allow one bounce between each hit.
Catch and throw the ball.