Year 3-4 - Lesson 2 - Batting

By Smart Coach
Part of Smart Coach - T-Ball
To teach correct technique when batting off a Tee. - feet slightly more than shoulder width apart & front foot slightly open. - standing side on to tee. - bend knees and weight on balls of feet. - fists on top of each other on bat (like knocking on a door) - strike is mostly level/flat with ball. - follow through after strike.   Focusing both on accuracy and power.


- Side on or front on when hitting?

- What can we do with our front foot to generate more power? 

- Where do our eyes look when hitting?

- What should our hands look like on the bat?

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Open Goal (Y3-4)

Split groups into approx teams of 5-6. Each group standing in a line behind a Tee with 3-5 large balls (dodgeballs). 

Place two cones spaced approx 2m apart, 5m infront of Tee. This is the goal for the batters. 

Behind the goal, place a hoop and one person to collect the balls. 

Batter hits their 3-5 balls, aiming to get in between cones. Collector retrieves their balls and places them in hoop. Once the 5 balls have been hit, collector picks up 5 balls and gives them to next person in line before going to back of line. Batter moves to the collector position. 

* After a few rounds, progress to hitting tennis balls if they are confident with their technique *

Each time the ball goes inbetween the cones they get one point. Make it a competition to see who is the most accurate with their hits.


- make it easier or harder by moving distance of goal from Tee, or making the goal bigger or smaller. 

- collector can wear a mit if desired, to practice their catching technique.

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Target Zone

One large circle is made with cones, with two smaller circles within. Each of these circles count for points (eg. large circle = 3, mid circle = 2, small = 1). Make each circle out of different color cones.

Class is split into approx. 5 teams. Each team lines up behind a Tee, and has one bat and 5 balls. 

On the whistle, first person from each team has an attempt at aiming their balls into the circles, and counting their points from where their balls land.

Once all the first people from each teams have hit, the coach blows their whistle again for the batters to run out and collect 5 balls (doesn't have to be theirs). Once the 5 balls are returned, second in line has a turn at batting their 5 balls, and so on until everyone has had a turn.

Make sure that when setting up the tees, no team is directly across the circle from another team - to ensure safety (set up the Tees on the outside of HALF the circle only).

At the end of the session, see who has the most points.

Modification: option to teach batters the "step/stride" with the front foot to generate more power if successful in basic technique. 


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