Fun Games - Empty Your Goal- Soccer

By Smart Coach
Part of Smart Coach - Year 0-2 Programme
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Empty Your Goal - Soccer

Set up a square (approx 20m/20m) with a goal at each end. . 

Split the group into two teams, each starting at a goal. 

Each goal starts full of footballs. On the whistle, players must dribble the ball from their goal to the opposite goal. Once a player has travelled with a ball to the other end, they must trap it (make sure it is still), and run back to their goal and do so repeatedly until whistle is blown. 

Aim of the game is to have the lowest amount of balls in the goal at the end of the game. 


- each player can only move one ball at a time. 

- have to control the ball the whole time, using correct dribbling technique. (if ball is uncontrolled or isn't trapped/still on the goal, have to go back and start again).

- if children are struggling to stop the ball within the opponents marked goal on the line, a 'scoring zone' can be made at the end of the square rather than a goal (much like American Football). 


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Filters: Early childhood, Education, Sports,