3) Manipulative - Lesson 9 - Target (Moving)

By Smart Coach
Part of Smart Coach - Year 0-2 Programme
Introduce correct technique when throwing an item at a moving target (under arm)


Where should your hand finish after throwing an item? (pointing in direction of target)
Where should your eyes be looking? (in the direction target)

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Warm Up

Manipulative (Target) - Protect the Queen

Set up a row of three to four cones of the same colour and one cone behind that is a different colour. The cones at the front represent the "dragons" and the cone at the back is the "Queen". Divide the class into teams of four or five. Each member of the team takes turns at rolling the ball to try and knock the dragons over and then lastly the queen. If the queen is knocked over but there are still dragons remaining then the queen must be placed back up. The first team to knock over all the dragons and the queen wins.


Move spots further back. Change balls from big to small. Change from rolling to kicking.

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Tomatoes on the roll

Students will pair up and stand along a line (marked by spots if on a field or use lines on a court) one stood behind the other. Coaches and the class teacher will stand in front of the students roughly 10-20metre away (coach will stand in the corner and teacher in the middle) holding dodgeballs. Each pair will have a dodgeball, the coach will count down from 3 and once 0 is reached "fire" will be called out. The students will take aim and try and hit the dodgeballs (tomatoes) that the coaches and teacher is rolling toward them. If they manage to hit a tomato with their dodgegeball, once every student has rolled their dodgeball and the coach has blown their whistle, the player that had their turn will go to the back whilst the other student will retrieve their dodgeball and the tomato they hit. If not all tomatoes have been hit during that round, the coaches/teacher will collect them and throw again next round. The pair with the most tomatos at the end will be declared winners. 


- Students are to ONLY roll the ball, they must not kick it nor throw it in the air
- Everyone must share and take turns with each other
- No tomatos are to be taken if players did not hit them


- Coaches/teachers can vary the type of throw used, direction thrown and speed (e.g. diagonally thrown, bouncing, fast/slow) to challenge the students. 
- Allow students to kick the dodgeball on their final attempt
- Select students to roll tomatoes to increase the number being rolled at students
- Coaches/teacher can roll/throw more than one dodgeball at a time

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Manipulative (Target) - Roller Dodge

Students are split into two teams, the "Dodgers" and the "Rollers". Rollers stand on a spot along the sideline, with a ball each. On "Go" the dodgers must try to get to the finish line without getting hit by a ball. If a dodger gets hit then the person that hit them gets a point. If the dodger makes it all the way to the finish line without being hit then they get a point. Once all the dodgers are through, the whistle will sound and the rollers collect their balls and return to the spots. After the dodgers have had a few turns the teams swap over.

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Filters: Early childhood, Education, Sports,